School With Harry Styles

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Oh my burrito god that smells good. I hopped out of bed and met my boys in the kitchen.

"Hello my sexy poptarts" I smiled and they all laughed that their nickname.

"Great news love. Management canceled rehearsal so we have all day together" Louis pulled me onto his lap in the tiny wooden kitchen chair.

"I would love to spend all day with you but I do have school you know" His smile faded.

"Oh, I forgot. You should act sick about half way through school so you can come home" he whispered in my ear. I nodded and then ate whatever was on his plate. Guess my mom decided on Ihop this morning since I had cinna-stack pancakes now in my tummy. "HEY THOSE WERE MINE" Lou pouted and crossed his arms

"But you just love me so much you wanted to share. Thanks babe" I kissed his cheek then went and got ready for school. I threw on my slightly torn jeans and my purple long sleeve. I threw on my old, tattered converse and then went through my newly died, knotted, hair with a brush.

I finally finished combing my birds nest hair then I kissed all the boys on the cheek and hopped into the car. Harry insisted on taking me. We drove up in front of the school and he parked.. why was he parking.. and getting out of his car? Weird...

"Haz, whatcha doin?" I eyed him cautiously as he walked up to the school with me.

"Well, we're going to school"

"Woah woah woah... What? We...?"

"Yes, I'm going with you. I have to talk to the principal first" he smiled at me then I grabbed his hand and followed him into the office. All the lady's said hi as we walked past, finally we were at the devil's sanctuary. We walked in and sat in the chairs by her desk. Harry asked if he could and she said yes, if she could get an autograph for her daughter.

"To espanol" I jogged to the class room, him close behind. I would finally be on time for my class... this shouldn't become a habit.

"Rebecca, nice of you to join us so early" Senora greeted us at the door. I ignored her and covered my ears as we walked into the room ready for Caitlin to scream. "3..2..1"

"OH MY GOD!!! HARRY STYLES!!!!!!!" She ran up and basically jumped on him.

"Well, I guess I have a fan in here. This will happen all day won't it babe?" I nodded and giggled. She let go then looked at me.

"Rebecca, how do you know Harry?" she crossed her arms and tapped her foot. Preppy slut.

"It's a long story but it all ended well considering I'm dating him and know all of 1D" she scoffed before writing a note to Haz with her number on it. He just looked at it, then at me before throwing it away. I smiled in satisfactory.

Let school begin.

Most of my classes went well until sixth where I have to dance. This would be awkward...

"Okay class, well I see we have an audience today. Hello sir, I'm Mrs. Lowe., and you are..?"

"I'm Harry.. Actually ma'me, I might become a distraction. I can wait in the hall if you need me to"

"No, no. We need to practice in front of an audience. Ple-"

"HARRY STYLES!!!!" Half the girls ran in pushing me away from him. I face planted onto the cold, hard tile floor. Guess karma is getting me back cause I think I broke my nose

"Um, girls, I would love to sign autographs and all that stuff right now but you have class. OH MY GOD BABE ARE YOU OKAY?!" He pushed the girls out of his way and helped me up. I nodded and held my head back to try and stop the flow of blood.

"Yeah, just broke my nose I think. Mrs. Lowe can I go to the nurse" she wrote me a pass and sent me to the nurse. Harry helped me after being begged by all the girls to stay. He helped my into the nurse and sat me down. She examined it and old me that I didn't break it, I did bruise it though. Oh well. Harry went back and got all my stuff then picked me up and took me home. Today was okay I guess.


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