Surprises and Rescue Missions

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Since it's cold as a mofo in Texas during the month December I had decided to wear warmer clothing to go out to dinner with the boys. Quickly, I slid on my boots and beanie before grabbing my wallet, phone and gloves which got shoved in my cute over the shoulder bag.

A/N outfit on the side... the glasses are real now BTW... xP

"Babe, you ready yet?" Liam's voice echoed through the house. I shouted back a quick "yeah" then grabbed my bag before heading out of my room.

The boys were waiting by the door, impaitently i might add, dressed in jeans and t-shirts. I gave them an areyoujoking look which caused then to chuckle a bit.

"Love, it's only 50°F here.. thats not cold for us since the normal temp is 15-20°F in the UK.." Harry spoke up once the laughing stopped. I shrugged and knew he was right, how I wore shorts the time I visited is beyond me but it happens I guess.

"Whatever, lets go get food guys. Everyone hop in, I'm gonna take you guys somewhere amazing!!! I hope you like italian." I smiled then skipped to the car and got in the drivers seat.

I don't have my license but my mom lets me borrow the car from time to time as long as there is someone who does have their license in the car with me. The boys slowly climbed in one by one, Harry in the front the others in the back squished because everyone refused to get all the way into the third row. (Lazy, soo lazy).

"Where are we going?" I giggled then turned the music up so I couldn't hear them. Harry shook his head and smiled then put his hand on my thigh as I drove. It wass distracting but I did manage to drive to the reasturant safely.

Once we were out of the car I grabbed Harry's hand and led them into my favorite reasturant in Plano, Spaghetti Warehouse. "Harry, that was dangerous to do. I could've crrashed because you were distracting me. Please don't ever do that while I'm driving." I whisper-yelled at him while we walked to our table.

I sat between Harry and Louis, the other three boys across from us. I smiled knowing that this was going to be the best surprise in the world. I saw the ginger from across the room and nodded to him, signaling that it was time to come over.

Gently, I rested my hand on Harry's thigh and my head on his shoulder smirking knowing that the hand thing was going to distract him. I heard a slight gasp and I squeezed slightly giggling.

"Ello mates." Ed smiled brightly at the end of the table before taking a seat. I stood and walked over to him for a quick hug then took my seat again.

"What.. wait, how did this happen? Weren't you in California this morning?" Liam asked, confused.

"Nope. I called Harry the other day to see if you yous wanted to go clubbing but Becca answered and we planned this. She's one smart gal Harry, a definate keeper." He smiled at me causing my to blush.

"That she is my good friend. She really is a keeper." Harry smiled at my and squeezed my hand. I felt my face heat up and turn red.

About an hour into diner I got a call from a number I didn't know.

"I'll be right back. I have to answer this." I walked around all the tables and took a seat on the bench right outside the resturaunt.

"Hello." I wrapped my jacket around my self to try and keep me warmer.

"Hey, Becca. It's Dani. I know I messed up with Liam and I know you probably hate me but I'm in trouble, I... I think I'm pregnant and the guy I'm seeing now would literally kill me if he found out. Please Becca. I'm currently at the Holiday Inn in Plano. I'll be here until Friday, just please come help me." My eyes widened. She was right, I did hate her for hurting my best friend but she sounded like she was in a lot of trouble.

"Is he there now?" I questioned, my voice shakey.

"No, but I'm not sure when he will be back. Please just hurry..."

"I'll be there in 30. The boys will be with me though. Just keep calm Danielle, don't worry." She thanked me and hung up. I quickly walked back to the table and grabbed my purse, throwing down a few 20's on the table and writing on a napkin "keep the change!!"

"Guys, get up. We're on a rescue mission." They looked at me surprised. I sighed and walked to the car knowing they'd follow me. Once I was in the car everyone else slowly filled in, even Ed. "Okay, now just listen before you go flipping out on me for this okay. I know that she hurt him and believe me I hate her just as much as you all do but she's in some serious trouble. We have to go get Dani. She's pregnant and the guy she's with is abusive. Just trust me on this one okay?" They just sat there shocked. I sped off toward the hotel.

Once we got there I texted her saying we were out front and to give me her room number. "129" was all I got back. I got out of the car, the boys following. "Guys, please promise you won't flip out on her. I know what she did was wrong and you can ignore her but just in her situatuion I think she needs a little bit of comfort okay?" They nodded and I marched right through the lobby and towards her room. The door was open, I grabbed Harry's hand and pushed it open further, expecting the worst. She was on the bed just sitting there with her bags next to her, tear stained cheeks.

"Dani, lets go!" I grabbed her hand, letting the boys grab her bags and dragged her out of the motel as quickly as possible. Once we were safely back at my house and Dani was settling into my room on the spare bed I decided to talk to the boys.

"Okay! Rule time!" They groaned as I stood in front of them smiling. "Oh, shut up. Rule #1: She might've hurt Liam but she is a guest who is with child so we will be nice. You can avoid her all you want but no being rude. Rule #2: Everyone stays out of my room while she's here. She needs time to settle in and calm down. If I have to I will buy locks for the other doors. Rule #3: The last rule is try to include her sometimes okay? She hurt all of us but she's still human and right now she needs friends." They nodded, Liam's face grew worried when I said 'with child' since none of them knew. I shrugged the look off for now and decided to just enjoy the rest of my night with my boys.

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