Act 3 - Chapter 74: Preparation

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As the sun began to rise on the appointed Saturday morning, Oh Sehun looked down from the second floor at the atrium below. It was quiet and tranquil with no patients or visitors in sight. His smartwatch beeped twice, and a notification flashed on the screen. He closed his eyes as he felt the sun's rays shine through the open window ceiling and headed for the pediatric ward.

When he arrived at the pediatric ward, all of the patients were still sleeping and only one nurse remained at the nurses' station. Namjoo looked up from her computer screen and nodded in greeting to Sehun before she passed a telephone handset over to Sehun and dialed in a number. They waited together, Sehun tapping his fingers on the counter while Namjoo just stared at the empty spreadsheet in front of her.

At last, the person on the other end picked up. "Hello?"

"Good morning Doctor Park, sorry to bother you so early." Sehun stopped tapping, his voice low, but focused. "Would you be able to come to the hospital this morning? We've found a suitable donor for Hyunjoo."


"We never really got to do this the last time we were in surgery together," Joy commented as she turned on the sink faucet with her feet and began to thoroughly wet her hands and arms before she reached for the soap, once again using one of the feet pedals to squeeze a nice dollop into her open palm.

Sungjae was already scrubbing and rubbing the soap through his fingers. "Last time we were in surgery, Peniel's life was in danger," he said as he worked the soap underneath his fingernails and in between each finger. "There was no time for this kind of talk."

Joy just shrugged as she rinsed her hands from the fingertips then up to the elbows, clearing away any dirt or bacteria before she began to repeat the process. "It's a nice change," she told Sungjae, flashing a grin over at him. Sungjae just rolled his eyes before he swatted at her hands.

"Sungjae! I have to wash all over again!" Joy exclaimed, slightly annoyed with him.

"My hands were clean though!" Sungjae teased. "Do you really have to start from the top?"

Joy merely groaned before she flicked some water over at Sungjae's face, eliciting a yelp from him.


Outside the operating theatre, Chorong waited on the thinly cushioned bench for the donor to arrive. She held her arms tight against her body, trying to stop herself from shaking before she heard the elevator doors open and saw Changsub exiting the elevator doors by himself, already dressed in his hospital gown. His arm was resting on an IV pole that he pushed along, the bag flopping around harmlessly at the top. His eyes brightened up slightly as he saw Chorong rising from her seat.

"It's weird seeing you outside a surgical theatre without your white coat," Chorong said, laughing shakily.

"I think it looks good on me," Changsub joked as he lightheartedly sashayed in his gown, causing Chorong to laugh against her will. "Where's Hyunjoo?" he asked.

"I left her with Naeun and Bomi," Chorong told him. "They're going to take care of her."

"You're not going back to her?"

Chorong shook her head. "I'm going to be watching from above," she said, jutting her chin upwards to the observation deck. There was a slight tremor in her voice as she told him her plan.

"Chorong, it's going to be fine," Changsub consoled her. "Sungjae and Joy know what they're doing, you don't have to watch the harvesting. It's going to be a long time and Hyunjoo might need you."

"Naeun and Bomi can handle it." Chorong's voice was firm and Changsub realized that there would be no talking her out of it. "How are you feeling?" she asked suddenly, changing the topic.

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