Chapter 9

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Florence's POV
All I could feel was pain...
My head was spinning and everything was aching. What the hell happened to me. As I slowly came out of my comatose state like sleep I opened my eyes which were sore and puffy,I must of been crying but from what exactly..?
Confused and weary i slowly arose from the comfortable couch I had been placed on.
Where the hell am I ??
As my eyes wandered across the room, I noticed a man snuggled up at the end of the couch. As my eyes adjusted to the light I realised who this man was.
My heart started racing,I became overwhelmed with happiness. It can't be...that's Andy one and way. How am I even here!

I quickly got up trying not to wake sleeping beauty hehe cx i stood firmly when I got a sense of dizzyness and began to stumble a bit.
I had accidently nocked over an empty beer bottle..oooops >< im so clumsy. It made a loud noise as it fell to the ground.
A once sleeping Andy had now opened his beautiful deep blue orbs,his voice full of sleep. "Oh hey...your probably wondering why your here" I couldn't reply otherwise I would fangurl. I just nodded in response curious as to what happened. " you remember anything..?" He started. I thought back...Hm "well I came here with my friend and we went to your concert and can't really remember actually " I looked down blushing crazily as I was really embarrassed. "Right okay" he sighed oh no did I do something wrong?
"You might want to sit down for this" confused I sat down urging him to go on. "Last night..after the concert...I was going out for a smoke,when I was walking to the back entrance I heard a girl screaming for help,they became louder with every step...when I finally got outside it was very dark and I started to panic....Em and when I finally reached the source of the helpless cries..I saw a man dressed in black with his hands all over you..and he was..trying to ..R-rape you.." A small tear escaped his beautiful eyes as he looked up at me with worry. "So I jumped the guy and knocked him unconscious,you had already blacked out so I carried you back to the bus and em yeah that's how you got here" I just sat there in shock,as all the memories started flooding back the way he grabbed me..forced himself upon me..the disgusting things he said..everything. Tears started falling as a sick feeling arose in my stomach. I quickly lept up in desperate search for the restroom. As I came across one I slammed the door shut and locked it throwing up the little contents of my stomach. I began sobbing crouching in the Corner. Andy's footsteps could be heard outside the door he began knocking asking if I was okay. "Y-yeah" i replied weakly "just give me a minute" "okay" I got up slowly and looked at myself in the dads hurtful words running through my head. Disgusting. Whore. Attention seeker. Bitch. Ugly. Fat. I broke down and started searching for something sharp. I searched the cupboards when I came across an old friend. The shiny piece of metal. I slid down the wall letting soft whimpers escape my chapped lips as i slid the metal blade again and again vandalising my wrists.after every cut blood oozed through. 1..2..3...6..8...11 banging appeared on the door "hey are u okay in there?? " I didn't reply I just kept going ..just one more. The banging became louder and the cuts became deeper. The pale tiles floor were now painted in my blood. My eyes grew heavy and my head span even more. After many attempts to bust the door open it finally caved in showing a distraught Andy. Everything started fading.. the stinging pain..the noises around me..Andy's pained cries for help..everything as I felt myself drowning in a dark sea of unconsciousness.
Andy's POV
After I had told her what had happened,she started crying and became pale. I was about to go comfort her and tell her everything was okay when she jumped up from where she sat and ran to the restroom. I quickly got up my mind filling with concern. Once i reached the door I heard soft whimpers and sounds of throwing up. I sighed..poor girl. I nocked softly "hey are you okay?" I heard another whimper when she replied weakly stuttering abit "y-yeah" "just give me a minute" "okay" I just sat by the door waiting for her to come out.
All of a sudden I heard rummaging. What is she doing? After a minute it stopped..what? I sat confused so I spoke up "hey is everything okay??" When I didn't get a reply I began to get worried. I pounded on the door in attempt to open it. Although it wouldn't budge. After relentless pounding It finally caved in.
The sight I saw was most unexpected. My face was beaming with distraught and worry.There she lay white as snow with a blade in hand surrounded by a pool of Crimson.I screamed for help as i tried to stop the bleeding. Adrenaline was pumping through my veins. Finally,Someone had came to help "what's up dude...HOLY SHIT what happened!!?" CC stood in utter shock and concern. "Quickly call an ambulance she's bleeding out " he hurriedly got on the phone telling the ambulance to get here as soon as possible. I held the lifeless girl as I had the night before cradling her in my arms hoping death wasn't near.
Finally the paramedics came and we rushed to the hospital.
By now everyone was awake and full of confusion and worriedness. As I sat in the racing ambulance i held tightly to her pale,petite hand crying softly.
I just hope she makes it....
Xxxx **unedited**
I don't know what to write im sorry >< this is abit dramatic I apologise but yeah I hope you enjoy :3 comment/vote to find out what happens next ;) will she survive? What will happen with Andy?
Thanks for all the votes and comments so far <3 i ler u guys ^^ xxlanna again I apologise for the really slow updates guys .-.

I Love you more than I can ever scream (bvb fanfiction) (andy romance) *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now