Chapter 1

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Okai here we go... Hope u enjoy :3


I was dreaming about unicorns hehe and chocolate bunnies when i heard someone yelling. I groaned and opened my eyes as i came out of my peaceful slumber. My door was being pounded on,wonder who that could be*sarcasm*. The pounding continued and i heard my father yell "get your lazy ass up,you ungrateful bitch!" Oh lovely just the thing to wake up to on monday morning. Ugh i mentally groaned i had school today i hate school.

Oh wait...i havent introduced myself yet , whale haiii im Florence 17,i have midnight black hair,dark brown eyes,pale skin,im 5"6 and i live in a hell i call home with my father.ugh. My mom died when i was 6 from terminal cancer..we used to be a happy family,but after the day she died,my father blamed me for everything and started getting drunk every night and would come home wasted thats when the beatings started.when i started high school i got bullied ALOT. My bullies were the jocks and preps mostly cause they hated my style,im considered an outcast of society. Ya im an emo i love rock music,my favorite bands are BVB,MIW,NYD,BMTH...etc anyways they call me emo,fag,fat,ugly and tell me to kill myself. Although these bullies are bad theres another bully i hate, shes the school slut her name is Fionula lets just say she's been in more boy's pants than you could count,she has long bleach blonde hair,fake tan you know the usual slutty style,shes 5"7 and wears tight tight clothes to show off her clevage.Her boyfriends come and go,she currently goes with a tall blonde haired quarter back that She snogs the face off all the time when they skip class.Well her and her gang beat me up and call me names...not like i didnt get enough.I also have a bestfriend called Elaina, shes the scene kid, electric blue hair scene cut,pale skin,skinny,snakebites and she likes all the same bands as i do.

Whale now you know me lets get back to the story.....

I got out of bed and rubbed my eyes. I heard my father yell again and i yelled back telling him i was up. The pounding stopped and i heard his footsteps fade away. Thank jinxx i thought. I got up and took a quick shower,I then got dressed in a nirvana shirt and black ripped skinny jeans i put my vans on and my many bracelets to hide my battle wounds as i call them.if your wondering why,whale i cut,i have been doing if for the past 4 years after the death of my mother. I found release through it even though i Know its not a good thing i couldnt stop and i got addicted,now i have many scars up my forearms.nobody knows not even elaina and i would like it to stay that way. i continued putting some more bracelets on and then put on my black vans and went back into the bathroom to apply my makeup and straighten my hair. After i was done my hair and make-up,i grabbed my bag and ran down stairs Trying to avoid my father. Luckily he didnt notice me and i ran out of the house and started walking to prison...i mean school.

I grabbed my ipod out of my bag and slipped my earphones in my ears. I pressed shuffle and the first song started playing....Carolyn by BVB,i love this song...i started singing quietly to it while walking down the path. It was in the middle of the song and i was so into the music i hadnt noticed who i had just bumped into. I fell back and landed on my bruised back. I groaned in pain as i was getting up i said sorry and looked see one of the boys from my school. He Looked annoyed,i began to get scared so i said sorry again and started walking faster. He just mumbled "stupid freak" and crossed the street to walk on the other side. I put my headphones back in trying to ignore his comment. Finally i reached my prison and started walking to the office. Since its my first day back i have to collect my timetable and stuff from the office. I walked through the doors and instantly got glares and i heard whispering. I continued walking,finally making it to the office luckily untouched..for now.

I tapped the window and waited for the secretary, she opened her window thing and greeted me,"hello ms.mcpherson how may i help you?" She then gave me a warm smile. She was one of the nice people in my school. I didnt return the smile and said bluntly,"hi,im here to collect my stuff for classes and locker number" "oh yes of course let me go get that for you" she got up and started looking in a cabinet were they held all the files. I wasnt very patient so i got annoyed when she was still looking....ugh i mentally groaned, finally she found it "here you go,sorry for the wait your locker number is 666" i smirked my locker number was my favourite numbers. I took my stuff and went to find my locker. I finally found my locker. I put my stuff in and slammed it shut only to find the most cockiest jock has the locker next to mine. Great i thought...fucking great!

I looked at my timetable And saw i had Double maths i sighed im useless at math, i started walking to class,i hadnt seen elaina today i wonder where she is,i will text her later.while i was walking i got pushed into lockers a couple of times and hit. I finally made it to maths and found a seat at the very back where no one could see me. Some people whispered "emo freak ,cutter,satanist" i just ignored them and took out my books. Then class started.

School went by so slow,i run into the bullies a couple of times and ended up in the nurses office. Great,on my first day. After i had all my classes and school ended i headed back to hell hoping the beatings wouldnt be as severe.


Okaiii so this is the first chapter,i hope its okay ill update soon -lannaxx :3

I Love you more than I can ever scream (bvb fanfiction) (andy romance) *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now