New York

837 17 0

Lara's POV

The plane landed smoothly with very little turbulence the entire journey. I didn't often fly as Cassandra had a nervous disposition when it came to 'flying metal coffins' as she would call them. So going abroad usually involved sleeping pills and a bottle of whisky.

Rowan had to take a few calls and do a little bit of work during the flight, which he apologised for profusely. I felt a little guilty at taking up so much of his time and distracting him from doing his job, though by the sound of the phone call I think he would prefer to be distracted.

Once we got off the plane Rowan and I were escorted into a sleek black car and driven towards Rowan's apartment on fifth Avenue.

What would you like on miss?" said the man in the front seat with a beaming smile.


"What music would you like on the radio? The best looking always gets to choose" he added with a cheeky grin. He must be well into his 60s as I could see the formation of small wrinkles around his eyes and his hair had thinned and had a white tint to it. Yet his eyes held such joy and life it made him appear youthful.

"Well in that case I think it should be you who chooses the music."

A boyish giggle erupted from the man as he began scrolling through the playlists on the touch screen radio.

"Well then I hope you won't mind listening to some Taylor Swift"

'August' came through the speakers as he started the car and drove away.

I sat happily listening to Taylor sing the story of a love triangle when I realised how quiet Rowan had been.  After the phone call Rowan had retreated into himself, he was so completely lost in thought. Whatever it was I decided that if he wanted to talk about it, he would. Instead I laced my fingers in his giving his hand a little squeeze. Rowan lifted my hand up to his lips and pressed a kiss on the back of my hand, then dropping our entwined hands back to his lap re-entering his thoughts.

"We are here Sir"

"Thank you, Wilson oh and try to stop flirting with my girlfriend" Rowan laughed shaking his head and slid out of the car tugging me with him as he still held my hand.

I was so overwhelmed with the sight of the building I decided to contemplate the 'girlfriend' thing later.

The entryway of the huge brick building was sheltered by a green canopy with a dark red carpet beneath. The doors where a shiny gold metal with glass panes.

Turning around I saw Wilson behind unloading our bags from the car and began handing them to the porter. We continued into the lobby, and we passed multiple people who offered us both greetings as we made our way to the lift at the side of a large staircase.

The interior mirrors in the lift allowed me to see the consequences of a long flight combined with the short naps and make out session on the plane. My hair was a mess as was my make up. My only consolation was that Rowan's hair looked just as messy in comparison to its usual tidiness.

I was too lost in thought to take notice of the fact that the lift had started moving and the doors had opened with a ping revealing a small landing with a set of double doors facing us.

Rowan began unlocking the doors and pushed them open to reveal a large living space with all white walls and three sets of French doors leading out onto a grassy terrace. The furniture was a modern take on French provincial with grey and white hues.

"Welcome to my home. Well one of them"

"It's beautiful"

"My sister designed it actually, she is an interior designer, and I didn't really care about how it looked"

He paused and then said "I have had the guest room made up for you"

I looked down at my feet, slightly surprised at his admission. We had spent every night on holiday with each other. Maybe I was just being foolish to think that this wouldn't be any different.

"Although I am kinda hoping that you still want to sleep next to me"

Ok so no need to panic, he was just being considerate. Sweet, considerate Rowan.

"we'll have to see, wont we?"

By the time it had got dark I had already unpacked my things with the help of Rowan and out them into his wardrobe. We ordered a take away from an Indian restaurant that is apparently Rowans favourite and watched tv while eating cake and popcorn.

"What would you like to do tomorrow?"

"I don't really know I don't know the city. You live here, what would you recommend?"

"I suppose I have a few ideas. The question is does my angel want it to be a surprise?"

"I don't usually like surprises. But I think I'll like yours".

We did sleep next to each other, in fact I basically slept on top of Rowan as he wrapped his arms around me.

The next day I woke to the smell of fresh coffee and food wafting in from beyond the bedroom door. I padded towards the amazing smell and into the kitchen diner. Rowan was already dressed wearing blue jeans and a white shirt, he was in casual clothes, yet he still managed to look so smart and handsome.

I crept up behind him wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Good morning"

"Good morning angel. How did you sleep?"

"very well, as I always do when I am next to you" Rowan's eyes fluttered shut as a broad smile widened across his face.

Balancing on my tip toes I kissed that beautiful smile then felt his arm hold my waist pulling me in tighter. With one pull my legs were dangling off the floor and I was being placed on the kitchen counter, our lips still locked. Rowan's other hand fell onto my thigh, making me acutely aware of the short strappy night dress I was wearing. Then I felt his thumb begin to make circles on my thigh distracting me from all thoughts of modesty. His lips continued to press against my own as I happily allowed him to take my lips and with it my breath. I opened my mouth pushing my tongue into his mouth and allowing him to do the same moaning as he did so.

We pulled back for a second as Rowan began his assault on my neck, kissing and nipping at my skin. I let out a breath and pushed my body further against his desperate for his touch. I breathed in and smelled a stage smell.

"Rowan stop the food is burning!"


Rowan took the burning pancakes off the stove and threw the pan in the sink.

I let out a snigger at the mess we had caused as did Rowan.

"Don't worry my love, I have more mixture and there are some non-burnt pancakes on the side there" pointing towards the huge stack of pancakes with the messy wooden soon.

We ate his delicious pancakes at the kitchen island. Once we were finished, he hurried me along to get dressed and ready as we had places, he wanted to show me.


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