On the Plane

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Lara's POV:

I didn't expect to ever run into Tom again after his and Julia's, very public very embarrassing, brake up. He said he had just received a promotion at work and so was taking a few weeks holiday to celebrate.

I couldn't go into too much detail as to why I wasn't with my stepfamily and so much had happened over the last weeks that I had hardly had time to process it myself. Then of course Rowan came over, and I am not stupid enough to not understand his strange behaviour that boarded on rude. He was jealous and felt threatened by Tom.

I hate the part of me that was pleased at his possessiveness, maybe it was because it meant that I belonged somewhere, that someone actually cared. What mattered more was that it was Roman who cared. Yet I was annoyed, I can make my own decisions on who I do and do not speak to.
The thought tugged at the back of my mind; would this display of possessiveness escalate? Was I to lose my new found freedom so quickly?

Once Tom had gone, I jabbed my elbow into Rowan's side fixing him with a glare that would leave no doubt as to what I was annoyed about. When Rowan turned his head down towards me, he held me with a look of questioning innocence. As if he were a naughty school boy caught talking during lesson and denying all knowledge.

"Was that really necessary?" questioned Lara with a pointed glare.


"Don't play dumb Rowan it doesn't suit you" a tinge of hurt crossed Rowan's face before it was replaced by a smile of amusement that didn't quite reach his eyes.

"You were being rude to Tom then, he's a friend , one of the only people who was nice to me, but I don't see him as anything more. I don't see him the way I see you"

Content with my answer Rowan closed his eyes apologising profusely saying that he had attempted to rationalise Tom's behaviour but ended up angry and possessive. I stood on my tip toes giving him a kiss of understanding.

"Come on, the sooner we say our goodbyes the sooner we can be in New York, together." Rowan's smile of agreement eased the fear in my stomach as we began to head for the pool to find Grace.

Saying goodbye to everyone was much harder than anticipated, to see Alice, Papa and all the gang again was bitter sweet knowing that I might never see them again. I made sure to write down all their number so that I could call and check on them once we were in New York. We also had to say goodbye to Rowan's friends, and I had had such a wonderful time with them the other day and I could see myself becoming really good friends with Grace.
They all promised to come visit us in New York after a week or so, allowing us time to get settled.

Rowan had already had the bags packed into the car by the time I had finished saying goodbye, so that when I came out of the main entrance Rowan was waiting by the car holding the door open.

"Are you ready?"

"I guess so. How long is the flight to New York?"

"About 10 hours. I know it's long, but I have a few ideas of what to do to keep us entertained" he looked down at me grinning like a devil.   

I stood there stunned and then chuckled placing my hand on his chest and leaning up to whisper in his ear

"We'll see" and with that I slid into the back seat of the car as Rowan shoot the door and strolled around to get in the other side.

We arrived at the airport but didn't get out at the main entrance as we had when I had arrived here with my stepmother and stepsisters. I kept my face pressed against the window as Rowan's driver took us around the side of the fencing and to a gate guarded by four different men. Turned to face Rowan to question what we were doing and ask why we had just passed the main entrance.

"I have a private plane to take us to New York"

"Of course you do" I said rolling my eyes. " Wait how did you know what I was going to say?"

"Oh angel I can read you like an open book"

The plane was beautiful, it had a white interior with deep wooden accents. The main seating area had a large sofa up against the windows and four arm chairs arranged round a small wooden table which I assume must be for eating. Along the back wall there was a TV next to a door leading onto a corridor with a further three rooms adjoining it.

Rowan settled down onto the sofa discarding the briefcase he had been carrying and pulled me down onto the sofa next to him, wrapping his left arm around my back tucking me into his side.

A neatly dressed lady who I presume was a flight attendant came and told us that they would be serving lunch in an hour and that the files Rowan had asked for were in the meeting room.

Once she had left, I turned to Rowan and said "Meeting room" raising my eyebrows. Rowan just shrugged and pulled me onto his lap.

"What would you like to watch, anything you like?" he said grabbing the remote from the side table next to us and turning on the TV.

"I don't really know. It's been a long time since I have been able to watch a film or have the choice of a film at least. Maybe Iron Man"

Rowan smiled and started to play the movies. I felt so comfortable with him now that I felt I could be complete honest and that I could express my opinion and myself without feeling judged.

"I used to watch it with my dad, we used to watch all the superhero movies together"

"Just so you know I love superhero movies, I used to force Grace to dress up with me and run around the house in attempts to save the city." Rowan said chuckling a little.

It was a cute and light chuckle one that I would never have expected to come from the CEO of major companies, but because I knew him it seemed perfectly normal.

"Why are you laughing?" Rowan said looking at me puzzled

"I am sorry I am just trying to imagine you running around your house with your underpants over your trousers and a long red cape around your neck"  I couldn't contain it anymore I burst into a fit of laughter.

"Don't laugh, I was a very cute seven year old"

"I am sure you were"

"Grace hated me for it, she used to complain to our father that I wouldn't play any games that she wanted to play and that she didn't need a superhero because she was waiting for her 'Prince Charming'"

"Well you are my superhero" I turned in his lap so that our noses were almost touching and my Leah's were either side of his.

I leaned in pressing my lips against his in a slow feather light movement. Rowan's arms snaked around my waist pulling me in tight ensure that our lips stayed locked. I could feel the tension building up inside of me as Rowan began to quicken the kiss, yet still savouring each press of my lips against his. I moaned as he licked his tongue along the bottom of my lips and opened them allowing him in. I didn't want to stop I was becoming more and more addicted to him with every passing hour.

"You're missing the movie" he said once as we pulled away to catch our breath. Though I was breathless after our kiss I giggled and swivelled around in his lap so that I was facing the TV with my head resting against his chest.
I felt free and alive and I never wanted this to end.

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