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Todoroki POV

I'm woken up, by arguing.
There's only one answer to the question of who it might be that is throwing a fit and who the other, whining person is.

"He's still asleep. Now leave. I'll fucking kick you out of here. Literally"
Bakugou yells.
If I weren't awake already, this would've definitely woken me.

I open one eye and look over to the door, where he is standing, talking to someone.

"But he-"

"I don't care. You're getting on my nerves. Just leave him the hell alone. If you had, you wouldn't have woken me up. This is punishment"

"Kacchan. I-"

"I don't give two shits. Bye"
He says and slams the door shut.

You can hear footsteps going away from the door and cabin.
Bakugou stands infront of me.
He's only wearing sweatpants and his hair is wet.

Momo might be onto something

"So you're awake."
He says and sticks his hands in his pockets.

"Yes. So what?"

"Do you even remember last night?"
He asks

"No- oh"
When I was about to say no, the memories come back and I notice my sore throat.

I mutter

"See this?"
He asks and holds his bandaged hand in my face.

"Are you a dog?"
He asks and flicks my forehead.

"You stuck your fingers down my throat"
I say confused.

"Hm. I guess that's true. Anyway..."

Oh man
I don't want to talk about it

"You can sleep or whatever. Sleep in that bed if you want to. I'll take the top one"

"Have fun"
He adds and closes the door behind him.

That was weird, right?
He's acting so different from what you'd expect from someone in his situation.
But he's Bakugou afterall.

I get up and stumble over to my suitcase.
I glance to the side as I pass by the mirror and see my clothes, which are definitely not the ones I was wearing last night.

Did Bakugou help change me?
Does that mean he saw the scars?

I take off my shirt and see the bandages on my upper arms, where I'm pretty sure I still have wounds from a few days ago.

No one was supposed to find out
This whole situation is honestly too much for me right now.

I rummage through my suitcase and look inside a little cosmetic bag, where I keep blades, I hate but need, in.
I soon come to realize that they are not there. Not only those, but also the blades I took off a pencil sharpener.

Bakugou that asshole

I storm out of the door and slide on thin, yet slippery the path of ice I created the previous day.
When I reach the fireplace, I see Bakugou walking with Kirishima.
I use the chance, when Kirishima is distracted by something on the ground and grab Bakugou.
Pushing him behind one of the cabins and throwing him to the ground, I twist his arm with one hand and press his face into the ground with the other.

"You bastard"
I growl.
He smirks and looks at me from the corner of his eye.

"Did you really think I was just gonna leave you alone like that again?"

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