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Baku POV

It's been about 6 months since Icyhot and I first started going out. Nothing much has changed. He's still clingy, he still has nightmares, though those occur less and less we also still sleep in the same be bed, only that we now do more than just sleeping.

Sadly, Icyhot still cuts himself. Though it only happens when he's super stressed out, a situation which also occurs less and less often. I realized I can't force him to stop and just kind of have to continue being there for him while making him feel comfortable so that he won't have the urge to do it in the first place. I guess.
Ever since that time I picked him up at his house, his father hasn't contacted him, exept for giving him his pocket money, which he does through online banking anyway, so Icyhot luckily doesn't have to see him in person.
I feel like Icyhot's become way happier since then. He's not necessarily open when it comes to others, but at least he doesn't want to lock himself in my or his room all the time. That's improvement, right?

"How are you this good when you don't even pay any attention to the game!?"
Icyhot curses, standing on the other side of the air hockey table.

"Guess I'm a natural"
I smirk.

"Screw off and pay attention to me"
He glares at me and I shrug.

"You mean to the game...?"

"That's what I said"
He says with a confused look on his face.

We're currently at an arcade. This place was actually shown to us by Mina and Kirishima. Since then, we've come here pretty often since no matter what we play, it keeps ending in a draw.

"Don't you think you two should give up already? You're here every weekend and it always ends the same"
A guy asks. He's here a lot too, so we've chatted a couple of times. I'm pretty sure he's about two years younger than we are though.

"Doesn't the fact that you see us here so much mean that you're a looser without friends?"

"Katsuki don't be so rude"
Icyhot sighs.

"You may think your insults hurt me, but they don't. And if I don't let them get to me, you won't find it funny anymore."
The guy says and crosses his arms infront of his chest.

"Look at you trying to be a grown-up. How about you grow another foot, then tell me what to do?"
I scoff and shake my head.

"Nevermind. Also, height jokes aren't that funny."

"Yeah. Imagine being almost the same height as him and still be made fun of"
Icyhot comments.

"That's because you're close though, right? I wish I had a friend like that"
He sighs.
I exchange looks with my boyfriend and both of us start laughing.

"Sure. You go find a friend like that. Tell me how it went"
I say, amused by how dense he is.

"Why is that so funny?"

"Look at the time. We gotta go."
Icyhot interrupts the conversation.

"Yup. See ya shorty"
I say as I walk over to Icyhot, who grabs my hand, holding it while we walk out.

"Wanna order sushi?"
I ask as we leave, the young boy staring at us flabbergasted.

"Yes. I'm hungry"
He nods.

"Oh. Don't forget we also have to work on our presentation"

"Don't worry~"


"Wow. I didn't think this would be done so fast."
I say, looking at our finished schoolwork.

Icyhot sighs and lays down on my lap.

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