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Bakugou POV

I ask a little upset and sit up.

"I want this arrangement to end."
He sits up to face me.
"Because I really care about you and this is just making things awkward"

"You care about me....as in...like a friend?"
I ask.

"Uhm- y-yes!"
He stutters.

This is obviously a lie. His cheeks are all red and he can't look me in the eye. He's also visibly nervous and I know for a fact that he gets all fidgety when he's nervous.

Well....now or never I guess.

"I don't want to be your friend though"
I say, with a serious expression.
His head shoots up and he looks at me, seemingly terrified.

Stupid mouth! I said NOW OR FUCKING NEVER!

"I'm in love with you"
I blurt out.

That was surprisingly simple to say...

He flinches and I watch as he falls backwards out of the bed with a:

I look over the edge and down at the boy, who's legs are the only thing still on the bed.

He whines, rubbing his head.

"You okay?"
I chuckle and take his hand, pulling him back up.

"Wh-what did you just say?"

"Th-that I...kind of fell in love with you"
I repeat. Now that I'm saying it a second time, I feel way more embarrassed.

He asks, his voice sounding shaky and tears forming in his eyes.

"Yes! Yes! Really! So don't cry"
I grab his face.

"I-I'm so happy"
He says, a tear running down his cheek.

"The why the hell are you crying!? Just be happy like a normal person"
I say frustrated, gently bumping my forehead against his.

"I'm not crying"
He sniffles.

I shake my head and kiss him.
I can feel his hand on mine, pulling it away from his face and interlocking our fingers, squeezing it ever as tightly.

"Do you really like me?"
He asks as he pulls away a little.

"Am I stuttering? Listen when I'm trying to tell you something!"
I complain and he climbs onto my lap, his arms around my neck.

"I fell in love with you too"
He smiles, another tear running down his face.

"I'm very happy to hear that"
I say as I wipe it away.
I carefully caress his cheek and kiss him softly, our tongues connecting in his mouth. His hand squeezes mine tightly as Todoroki pulls me closer.

This time too, I can feel his tear drenched skin against mine.

As I thought. You can tell the difference.

This time around, it's a kiss out of passion- out of love for eachother. And knowing that makes this heart of mine go crazy, my stomach filled to the brink with butterflies I'm so relieved to, to the point of just wanting to cry, just like the lovely boy, crying tears of happiness while letting himself be kissed by me.
But if I did that, we'd just be two helpless morons cuddling and crying.


Todo POV

I wake up, literally laying ontop of Bakugou, who's on his phone.
He puts it aside when he notices me and grins.

"Morning. I was about to wake you. It's 6.20"
He says.

I look at him with a tired gaze and put my hand on his head.
I say and roll off of him, burrying my face in a pillow.

"Very funny"
He chuckles as he gets up and I look up to watch him stretch.
When he notices me staring, he leans over to me and gives me a kiss on the head.

He adds, poking my nose.

"Am not!"

He laughs and goes over to the closet, taking out his uniform.

"Hey um just so we're on the same page...we're dating now...right?"
I ask

"Oh right. Guess I didn't ask properly, huh?"
He walks over to me and holds out his hand.
I hold him hand and he caresses mine.

"Do you want to be my boyfriend?"
He asks and sits down on the bed with me

....No. Sorry. I just don't see you that way"
I shrug with a slight smirk.

"You'll regret saying that"
He says with a smirk and slides his hands under my shirt.

I yell as he tickles me again.

"I'm sorry!"
I laugh
"Sorry! Yes! I wanna-ahaha!"
I continue laughing and he let's go of me.

"I hate you"
I whine, holding my stomach. Being tickled like this first thing in the morning....seriously exhausting.

"Love you too"
He says and kisses my cheek. I turn my head and he kisses me on the lips, unfortunately pulling away and going into the bathroom.

"This is so embarrassing"
I whine, blushing like crazy.

781 words

Zoinks! After literal five days of rewriting this chapter DO MANY times I give up!
Though I think it turned out pretty good.

Thank you for reading AND VOTING on this! I hope you enjoyed the story<3

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