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Todoroki POV

~two days later~

When I wake up, I see Bakugou right next to me.
It was the same yesterday. I hadn't slept next to him for a while, but still felt like I was used to it, as if it was just everyday life- part of my routine.

"Wait. What time is it!?"
I ask shocked and shoot up.

"How should I know?"
He groans next to me.

"It's 7.00. We need to get up. We have to get to school"
I say and shake him.

"Give me a sec"
He mumbles ending in a yawn.

I say and stick my ice cold hand in his shirt.
He jumps up the second I touch his body.

"Don't touch me!"
He yells

"Will you tone it down a little?"
I ask as I get up.

"Shut up"
He sighs and slugishly crawls out of bed.

"If you would just leave me alone, this problem wouldn't exist."
I remind him.
"I'm gonna go change now"
I say and open the door.

"15 minutes"
Bakugou says.

"Yeah yeah. Or else you'll kick my door in"
I sigh and close the door behind me.

I know he's doing all of this for me...but I don't like it.
He doesn't seem to get it but, I don't want to start loving my life again.
I just want it to be over.
All the courage I've built up, was wasted because he kept stepping in.

No. I shouldn't blame him. He just did what anyone would've done.
This is just because I'm a coward that I can't even do something as simple as dyinh properly.

After getting ready, I step outside and see Bakugou waiting next to my door.

"Let's get going"
He says and pushes himself off the wall.


I managed to go up to the roof, without Bakugou noticing.

Finally I'm alone and can sort my thoughts.

There's a fence between the roof and the edge of it. But I heated up the tips of my fingers, melting some of the fence and created a little door for me to slip through.
I sit at the edge, with my legs hanging in the air.

It's surprising how much less scared you are when you don't care about your life.

At that thought, tears fill my eyes.

This is tempting...

I'm all alone.
That's okay though.
It took me a while to realize what I am to my so called friends. I'm just the friend they talk to, when they don't have anyone else. And as soon as someone else shows up, they focus on that other person.

I already surpress so many emotions and so much of my personality, but I'm still alone. It's not really no fun. But I kinda of get it. I wouldn't want to be my friend either...it seems tiring.

Huh. There's nobody down there...

I lean forward and watch a tear drop fall down.
Ther's aren't any students nor teachers on this side of the building. That's why I come up here. If I were to do this on the opposite side of the roof, I would be in huge trouble.

I wonder if I can do that too. It seems so easy to just.....fall down.
And at least it's not gonna hurt or feel so uncomfortable like last time.

I pull out my phone, thinking about writing a letter. But who would I send it to?

I don't have friends that would care much. Or even notice if I was gone.
But I probably should apologize to him at least...

The only person I text, is Bakugou, who coincidentally has been the only thing on my mind lately.

I feel sorry for him wasting his time on me.
So I'll just leave it by: I'm sorry

After I'm done, I put my phone back in my pocket and move closer to the sharp edge.
A light breeze blows around my head, drying the tears on my face.
It goes through my hair and past my ears.
I look down, my feet dangling off the edge.

"Do you really want this?"
I flinch when I hear a voice next to my ear.

I say, my voice shaky.

"But I don't want you to. I really don't. So just....try to deal with it for a little longer"
Bakugou sits next to me, grabbing my hand, interlocking our fingers.

"I really don't feel like I can do this for much longer"
I sob

"I know. Though, I can't possibly understand it, I still want to help you at least a little. If nothing helps, I'll leave you alone."
He says. I stay silent, resting my head on his shoulder, as our hands connect us.

"You don't have to tell me what's going one, so no pressure, but at least tell me properly when you're feeling like this"

I sniffle.

He sighs and suddenly gets up, picking me up bridal style, then sits on the other side of the fence, holding me in his arms while I cry.
Neither of us says a word, he just pats my head while I continue to cry into his shoulder. The efforts he makes in order to comfort me, making my heart ache, but at the same time gives me a feeling of relief and -even if it's just for a split second- makes me feel like for once in my life, I am genuinely loved by someone.

Of course, I know that couldn't be the truth.
It's still nice to imagine it though, right?

931 words

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