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What does it take to gain acceptance?

Is acceptance our goal in life?

Because everyone is reaching for it but we don't know what to do for acceptance, we were told what we had to do but without instructions or even a sign that says 'this way'.

How can we complete a task without actually being told how to do it?

We are like a robot, we are made but we can't do anything until we get orders.

Don't you wish that we were free from the judge mental mind of another human?

We are always taught to reach for more, what? Am I myself not enough?
Are you enough?

No one knows so, we follow a standard of sorts, You reach for more without reason.

Everything we do is without true reason other then eating and drinking we really don't have to do anything else but we choose to because we are scared that if we don't we ourselves will not gain acceptance.


Hmmm, idk.

This is really just some randomness...


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