Meet the characters

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Luca Paguro:
(Yes I'm keeping the name because I think Luca can also be a girls name.)
Age - 15
Human Physical Description - Shoulder length deep brown hair that is slightly curled/ wavy. Dark amber eyes that are full of curiosity. A sprinkle of freckles across her rosy cheeks and button nose. Has a habit of chewing her nails and never really takes the time to grow them out as she knows she'll just trim them down with her teeth anyways. She absolutely loves overalls.

Sea Monster Physical Description - Bright electric blue hair scales that she loves to style into braids. An ombré of green and cyan scales across her body and tail. Wears her mother's old seaweed dresses. Has a pet sheep-fish named Calamaro (Italian for squid.) Her eyes are a reddish brown color surrounded by the typical sea monster yellow.

Pronouns - She/her

Sexuality - Bisexual (closeted obviously)

Birthday - February 27th... an emotionally unstable Pisces if you're interested in zodiac signs.

Height - 5,5 ft

Personality - Shy around strangers. Definitely are an over thinker. One word you say can be interpreted into an entire plot in her mind. Hates the idea of disappointing anyone, especially Alessia. When it comes to her new found best friend, she can be seen as clingy. But really she just wants to show Alessia how much she lov- cares about her.

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Alessia Scorfano:

Age - 16

Human Physical Description - Poofy curly hair that she keeps down at all times with little to no brushing as she couldn't care less about her physical appearance. Wears her fathers old yellow tank top tucked into some old fisherman brown cargo shorts that go down to her knees. Very tomboyish. Tiny ship in her front tooth from letting gravity take her too many times. Never wears shoes, why would she need to? Her feet are already hot, why would she want to add more layers?

Sea Monster Physical Description - just imagine a longer haired Alberto sea monster. ( short minimum effort description brought to you by my laziness.)

Pronouns - She/Her although she really doesn't care about what you use to refer to her.

Sexuality - what does that mean? (Doesn't know but definitely is in love with Luca)

Birthday - August 9th, a Leo.

Height - 5,11 ft. If only she was just an inch taller..

Personality - Appears to people as cocky and over confident but in reality is very insecure from the many insults her father spat at her before leaving. Dumb. Is there any other way to put that? Doesn't care about science unless Luca does. Does she? Cause she can totally start studying right away if she does. Really protective of the people she loves.. slightly jealous when it comes to her best friend.

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Giulian Marcovaldo:

Age - 15 but looks like he's 13.

Physical Description - Looks young for his age, still is holding onto his baby fat. Maybe that's why Erica picks on him.. has curly short red hair but hides some of it with his Moms old blue beanie. Wears a orange striped shirt tucked into a pair of baggy jeans that cover his shoes entirely. A small amount of freckles on scattered throughout his face along with the many pimples that came as an accessory with his stress sweating problems.

Pronouns - He/him

Sexuality - Pansexual (if even one more person asks if that means he's attracted to pans he will bop-bop

Birthday - September 16th, a Virgo that's shockingly messy.

Height - 5,2 very small compared to his peers.

Personality - small but ferocious. Would bite you if needed. Self conscious from the tiny red pimples following his hairline. Protective of his friends- often seen pointing a spatula at Erica reminding her that her "evil empire of injustice will come to an end."

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Erica Visconti

Age - 19 but continuously says she's only 16 so the can re enter the Portorosso cup.

Physical Description - Just imagine an Ercole with hair slicked back into a long ponytail. (No mustache whiskers either sadly,) and a tennis skirt rather than tight shorts.

Pronouns - She/her duh (the type of person to say nor/mal 🤢

Sexuality - Straight, internalized homophobia even though she thinks some girls are KINDA cute. Only a lil bit tho.

Height - 5,10 ft

Personality - just.. just ercole. (Except maybe I'll make it so theirs a story behind her.. like a reason why she's mean?)

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Gaia and Chiya (Guidio and Cicco)

Imma make this one short cause I'm lazy af

Ages - Gaia is 14 and Chiya is 15

They look and act just like Guido and Cicco except they're secretly in love? Like- I'm just 'berries and cream' to the original storyline😩🏳️‍🌈

Heights - Gaia is 5,3 and Chiya is 5,1 (the little shorties)


A N: that took shockingly long- ANYWAY. I guess I should probably start actually writing the story! I probably won't get many views on this but im mainly doing this for fun anyways.

Words - 838

Date - 9/13/21

Luberto but make them girls 😩🇮🇹Where stories live. Discover now