Chapter Seven

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A/N: Chapter six was made private by the site due to the explicit content so to access it there is a link on my profile to the A03 version. Thanks for reading!! :)

Chapter Seven

Mellark is in school on Monday. I don't know why this surprises me but when I see him sitting at the table near the window in form class I'm almost taken aback. It's clear that Marvel's beating took its toll, if the stiff way he moves and the bruises are anything to go by, but for some reason he hasn't taken off sick. Is attendance really that important to him? Even his nose is bandaged up, broken like I'd suspected.

"Did you hear?" Clove asks as soon as she plops into the desk next to mine. I jolt in shock, not having realized that I had been staring intensely at the back of Mellark's head ever since I sat down, trying to figure out what his deal is.

"Hear what?" I ask, breaking my gaze from Mellark's blond head to focus on Clove.

"Someone's been spreading stuff about Cato," she explains to me in a hushed voice.

I roll my eyes. "And? So what? People spread shit all the time. Only difference between them and this idiot is that it's clear whoever this twit is has a death wish," I say. "I mean, god, who decides-out of everyone in the school-that they're going to spread lies about Cato, of all people? They've clearly decided that either (A) they don't like the colouring of their skin or (B) they don't want to live anymore but can't be assed tying a noose."

Clove props her chin on her hand, clearly unimpressed by my reaction. Her chocolate eyes slide around in an arch and she mutters, "You didn't even ask what they're spreading about him."

"Fine," I sigh. "What are they spreading about him?"

Ever since Cashmere's party, it's been no secret that rumours have been bouncing around as to why Cato intervened when he did. I just thought that he was protecting Marvel, since it was clear that the antagonist himself had been past the point of coherent thought and would probably have beat Mellark until he died of internal injuries. However, random theories have been bobbing around from those sorts of people who have no purpose to their lives other than spreading things that are untrue about others. I haven't listened to any of the bullshit that has been slipping down the grapevine. Until now, that is.

"Something about Cato only stopping Marvel when he did because he has the hots for Mellark," Clove explains.

I snort. "What? Seriously? That's just stupid. Just because Cato's gay doesn't mean he fancies everything with a dick. Certainly not a dick from Loser's End."

"Tell that to whoever started the rumour," Clove says. "You'd think most would know that Cato wouldn't associate himself with a loser like Fatboy but since, well, I dunno, since it's about same gender couples or whatever the student body is believing it easier than they would if, say, someone started a rumour that you had the hots for the nerd."

I frown to myself. "His name's Peeta," I mutter. "Not Fatboy."

"Right," Clove says, dragging the word out slowly. "Anyway, here's the weird part, Cato hasn't come out and said they're wrong. Is that strange or am I reading into it too much?"

"I don't know Clove, it doesn't seem that strange," I tell her. "Cato is a smart guy, he probably knows that gossip is gossip. It will pass just like it always does. We just have to wait until another girl gets pregnant or trips in the hallway so her skirt flies up and exposes her ass."

Clove laughs and the topic drops. Gossip comes hand in hand with being in such a bitchy place. I don't think I've ever seen lies spread as rapidly as it does in High School. Sure, Middle School would sometimes have the odd mistruth but it was more of a subdued nature. Not sexuality or anything heavy like that.

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