Fall Days (Modern Day AU)

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The smell of various spices filled Elain's nose as she slid the freshly made apple pie into the oven. Fall was by far her favorite season. Between all the fall flavors and the leaves changing colors and the cooler temperatures—there wasn't much Elain could dislike about the season. Not only that, but Elain was fond of decorating for the festive season. Setting up her fall decorations meant other holidays such as Thanksgiving and Christmas were just around the corner. And Elain couldn't help but go all out for each holiday.

"Something smells good," a voice called from the entryway to her apartment. "What are you making this time?" Elain could hear the person close the door and just after, kicking off their shoes and hanging up their coat.

A soft smile appeared on her face as she untied her apron. "Oh, not much. Just one of your favorites."

A soft groan came from the hall just before the kitchen. "Please tell me there's some vanilla ice cream and whipped cream as well."

"Of course," she replied with a slight eye roll as she tuned to face the entry to the kitchen where she knew her guest would be standing. "Like I'd really skip out on going all out?"

Azriel, her boyfriend of two years, was propped against the doorway staring at her with a soft smile and his hazel eyes bright with anticipation and love. His midnight locks were windswept and messy—likely from the walk up to her apartment.

He had come dressed just as she had told him to. A soft navy sweater pulled over what appeared to be a black undershirt, paired with denim jeans and a pair of black Nike running shoes. It was as causal as she had seen him dressed in a while.

A larger smile broke out across her face as she approached him. "You look nice," she said, leaning in to give him a tight embrace. She inhaled the smell of his cologne as she tucked her nose into the curves of his neck.

Azriel let out a small chuckle as his hands ran down her back in broad, sweeping motions. "Let's face it, you like anything that's soft and comfortable. It doesn't matter what it is."

She pulled back slightly and shoved her index finger into his chest. "Can't you just take a compliment?"

Az rolled his eyes, "Thank you, dear." His eyes softened. "You look beautiful by the way." His hand brushed her cheek on the way to move a errant stand of hair behind her ear.

A soft blush took over her face as it did any time Az complimented her. "Thanks, it's nothing too special though."

And really it wasn't. All she had on was a pair of black leggings with a cream colored sweater, and her hair in a messy bun. She was even barefoot! But, she supposed Azriel never really cared about any of that.

"Doesn't matter, you look amazing," Az persisted, confirming her earlier thought, and gave her a teasing look. "Now who can't take a compliment."

She stuck out her tongue playfully as she turned back to the stove and the food on it. Picking up the spatula she stirred the marinara sauce she had been cooking down for a few hours. "Wanna taste?" she asked, as she held up the spoon to Az.

"Definitely," he nodded and stepped up to her, wrapping an arm around her waist.

But instead of going for the spoon like she expected him to, his lips went straight for her own. It was a bit of a shock but she should've known her cheeky boyfriend would pull something like that. She had decided that he was spending too much time around Cassian (and Rhys, for that matter) for his own good.

Nevertheless, the kiss was soft, as most of Azriel's kisses were, but still filled with passion. Elain couldn't help the soft sigh that left her at the contact. Kissing Azriel felt like coming home. 

After a moment, she pulled away and gave him a teasing glare. "That's not what I meant, you know."

A wide grin broke out across his face, "Oh I know. I just couldn't resist." He gave her a quick wink before he leaned down to taste the sauce that she still had held out on the spoon.

Leaning back, he let out a satisfied groan, "Tastes good to me. Might need a touch more salt though."

Elain chuckled, "Alright, I'm glad it tastes good at least."

"Good? Hell, Elain, it tastes near heavenly after the stuff I've been subjected to eat all week."

"That bad at the apartment?" she questioned as she turned back to the stove and grabbed the salt shaker. She already had a vague idea as to where this conversation was going. Her sister, Nesta, had been complaining about it early to her that week.

"You have no idea," Az mumbled as he took a seat on the counter next to her. "Cassian thought it would be a brilliant idea to try out some new Indian spices and recipes."

She grimaced, already clearly picturing the disaster that Cassian had made out of that particular type of cuisine. Not that Cassian was a bad cook, not by any means. However, his skill set was reserved solely for meat and the grill.

"I'm going to assume that didn't go over well," she stated, turning to face Azriel.

"Not even close to alright," Az stated. "It was a disaster. Worse, Cassian says he's got something new for us to try this week."

Elain grimaced, "Yikes, I'm sorry. I'm sure that Cassian means well."

Az nodded, face solemn. "Oh for sure, and that's the hardest part in all this. Rhys and I can't just tell him to stop because he really wants to try something new for us and make it well." Az paused and winced, "It just hasn't been going how he wants it to go."

"Well," Elain stated after a moment, "If he's really wanting to expand his cooking abilities and varieties, I'd be happy to give him some lessons."

Az's gaze snapped to her, eyes wide with the possibility. "Really? You'd do that?"

Elain shrugged, "Why not. I don't see any harm in helping him out. Plus it would ensure Nesta's taste buds the next time Cassian tries to make dinner for one of their date nights. Between the two of you, I've heard quite a lot about Cassian's new experiments."

Without warning, Az lifted her up by her hips and spun her around in a circle before setting her down gently in front of him. "You're amazing, you know that right?" he asked, kissing the tip of her nose.

"You may have told me once or twice," she replied with a giggle.

"Well you are," he affirmed, pressing a kiss to left cheek before placing another one on her right. "Absolutely amazing." Two more kisses found their way to the corners of her lips.

Elain shot him a playful glare, "Well, if I'm so amazing, why am I not getting a real kiss?"

Az's lips twitched into a smirk, "You're right. What was I thinking."

Without any further delay, Azriel pressed his lips gently to Elain's. A small sigh left her mouth and she threaded her fingers through his soft strands of hair almost instantly. She pressed her tiny body closer to the warmth in front of her and finally relaxed for the first time that day into Azriel's kiss and strength.

Yes, this definitely felt like home.

** Well guys, I got another one posted! Much sooner than last time too!! Whether or not I will manage to keep this up will be the real question, lol. But I am going to try and post a few more (most likely fall themed because that's what I'm in the mood for).

I hope you guys are all doing well, and as usual, I can't thank you guys enough for reading these. It really does mean the world to me. I'd love to hear your feedback, comments, or prompt suggestions. So if you have anything to say, let me know in the comments and I'll make sure to get a reply back to you!

Love you guys and hope you all have an amazing week!

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