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Amren was nothing if not terrifying. Even after her return back to the living, and even though she didn't quite have the same extent of otherworldliness rolling through her veins, she was still someone not to be messed with. It was still an unspoken rule not to get on her bad side--something she still immensely enjoyed. It had also become an unspoken rule to not question Amren--even if she was clearly wrong.

But Varian hadn't quite picked up on that particular unspoken rule.

"You should sleep," he said to Amren one night while they were lounging in the small living area in her apartment. He had surprised her by showing up, and not that she wasn't glad to see him, but she was just slightly preoccupied.

"I'm not human, therefore, I do not require sleep," she snapped back at Varian, placing another piece down in the puzzle she had been working on for the last hour.

As it stood, she had already finished two puzzles since Varian had shown up nearly three hours ago, and she was currently almost finished with her next one. Amren didn't particularly feel like stopping, no matter what time of night it was or that Varian was only a few inches away from her.

"Amren, I know you like to think you're invincible, but even if you're not human you are fae now. Your body does abide by the laws of nature," Varian stated, gently kneading the muscles in Amren's shoulders.

Only Varian would ever be allowed to touch her like this, and even he was pushing his limits as he was simultaneously questioning her. Amren gripped a puzzle piece tightly between her fingers.

"Just because I'm fae doesn't mean that I'm not capable of staying up past midnight," she replied back, trying not to snap at him too harshly. She did deeply care for Varian and didn't particularly feel like getting into a fight. "If you're tired you can go to bed. I'll come when I'm ready."

She could practically feel the smirk that graced Varian's features. She lived with three Illyrian toddlers and knew when that mischievous attitude was brought to the surface. Amren also just wanted to finish her Cauldron-damned puzzle in peace.

"Is that so?" Varian whispered, pressing a featherlight kiss behind her ear. "You'll come when you're ready? Any way I can help with that?" He pressed another soft, barely-there kiss to the tip of her now pointed ear.

A shiver raced up her spine, but Amren forced herself to remain still. She would not let Varian ruin this puzzle. She would not.

"You can help by leaving me to finish this in peace," she bit out, the words coming out a bit shakier than she would've hoped for.

He only hummed and continued to leave a trail of soft kisses down her neck, nipping slightly in various spots that he knew were bound to break Amren's will to finish her puzzle. She was deeply regretting her choice to fall for Varian at that moment.

"Varian, I'm serious," Amren tried again, not removing her gaze from her puzzle as she picked up another piece. One glance at him and she knew she was done for. She just had to stay focused.

"So am I," he replied smoothly, biting at the skin near her collarbone now.

Amren's grip on the puzzle piece was becoming shakier by the moment. She knew that there was likely no chance of her finishing her puzzle now. Another shiver raced up her spine as Varian sucked lightly on the skin beneath her collarbone. Heat pooled in her stomach and she was slowly beginning to lose her focus. What would those fools she called family think if they saw her now? Falling apart at the single touch of a male? They would likely be too stunned to speak. Cassian would probably laugh himself hoarse at the thought. But as Varian continued to bite and kiss along her collarbone, all thoughts of her family vanished from her mind.

Then, as one of Varian's hands snaked around and shifted underneath her shirt, Amren finally let go of the puzzle piece.

She twisted around, wrapping her legs around Varian's waist. "Any particular way you think you can help me?" she smirked at the already hardening length she could feel as she threaded her fingers through the soft waves of Varian's hair.

Varian grinned a purely male smile, "There's a few things I can think of." His hand shifted up over the planes of her stomach, inching higher and higher.

Her grip on his hair tightened, "Oh?" The words came out breathless. "Then what are you waiting for?"

Varian's eyes darkened, but he wasted no time. His lips crashed into her own as he kissed her hard enough to likely bruise. Not that she overly cared. Gripping the underside of her thighs tightly, he lifted the both of them up not once breaking the kiss between them. His hardened length pushed against her now, making it hard to form any coherent thought.

Nipping his bottom lip, Amren pulled back from the bruising kiss to look at Varian. His turquoise eyes pierced her, his pupils already blown wide. "What was that about a bed again?" Amren taunted, mischief spreading through her own veins. Without another word, Varian carried the two of them back to Amren's bed.

The puzzle, which Armen had so desperately wanted to finish, remained untouched for the rest of the night.

**Hey guys! I realized I hadn't done Varian and Armen yet, so that needed to be fixed ASAP! Also... I finally got another chapter posted! So that's always a plus. I really hope you guys are enjoying these and that they aren't too terrible. Most of them just have a quick read through right before I post them to check for any glaring errors. So hopefully they're aren't too many.

If you guys have any prompt ideas, recommendations, critiques, comments, whatever it may be, please don't hesitate to let me know! I'd love to hear your feedback.

Thank you guys for reading and being patient as I get new chapters posted when I can!

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