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Bryan Was a 6'3 Ginger who Worked alongside Neil On the hit channel Koo-koo-Kangaroo On the famous website Go Noodle!!! [Not sponsored sadly] But don't be fooled, Brain didnt just wake up and was automatically this person HE is today. No. Bryan was fresh out of college and was working at a local Olive garden When he saw him... Neil. Bryan took a liking to Neil. He couldn't tell if it was his MCR Shirt or the purple Kuromi bandaid on what Bryan assumed was a fresh wound. Either way Neil had Brayn hooked and he didn't even realize it. After he took Neil's order, they started to chat while Bryan was on his break and neil ate. They both had many things in common. Besides being broke college students they really had a passion for dancing and web shows. So after that fateful day Bryan got Neil's number and they hung Out every Chance they had. Which eventually lead to a conversation on Neil's damaged Floral Loveseat in his Rusty NYC apartment.

"Hey bryan... Why dont we just start a web show?" Neil says turning over to face Bryan. Bryan pauses the movie they were watching and stares back. He let's out a chuckle " Pfft Yeah your funny.... oh you're Serious..." "Fuck yeah I'm serious!!!"Neil says smirking.

"Listen dude I know A guy in Minnesota Who can hook us up with every thing we need. And with your amazing writing skills and my Epic Dance moves *neil moves his arms like a wave and scoffs* we could make thousands of dollars!... so what do you say Bryan? Ditch this stupid town and Actually Be free, Or stay here in this shitty apartment and die from sadness?"

Bryan stays silent but only for a moment

" Okay... Let me pack my things and we can leave whenever you want neil!"

"FUCK YEAH DUDE!!" Neil Says while Standing up abruptly Forcing Bryan into a hug.

" Wow He's... really warm? No I shouldnt think that...But...I dont want to let go? I dont know whyi feel this way. I shouldn't. I'm his friend." Neil starts to think as he let's Bryan go and starts to run towards the front door.

" LAST ONE TO THE CAR HAS TO PAY FOR DINNER" Neil says Rushibg out the door

"I DONT THINK SO BITCH!!!" Brayn says Catching up to neil.

And that's how this began... what's This exactly? Well Let's go see how Neil ended up at that olive garden then... then we shall see.

Pop-See Ko me your Love: A tale of two lovers.Where stories live. Discover now