Chapter 4

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Your pov
Today I woke up happy I don't know why but I was just happy to go to work. As I took a shower I got dressed up. Today I wore another floral skirt and the shirt Ercole bought me it was a pretty shirt do why not wear it again right. I put some dazzling earrings and went downstairs. "Who you're trying to impress your boyfriend." Nathan said while snickering, "Number 1 I don't have a boyfriend and number 2 can I just wear something nice to work." I told him, I went off to work and surprisingly I made it just in time. "Ciao Martina. How are you doing today?" I asked her, "Ciao y/n, I'm doing good today thank you. Love the outfit by the way." She compliment my outfit. "Grazie (Italian for thank you)." "Ok enough chit chatting and start working, oh and here is a tag " "Sure thing Martina." I said while I was putting on the tag

As was working it's been an hour and Ercole hasn't showed up to work yet. As I was putting the fruits away I heard an engine stop and it was Ercole. "ERCOLE!! You're late." Martina said angry, "Spiacente, I woke up late." Ercole said, to be honest it was pretty funny seeing Ercole getting in trouble. "Ok whatever here this tag pin it on your shirt and start working." Martina said and went into the back room. He put on the tag and started walking up to me. "Ciao piccoletta I see you're still wearing the shirt I bought you." He said, "Yea it's pretty neat so I decided to wear it again." I told him back while getting a crate of tomatoes. "WAIT! NO!" I dropped the crate and turned around angry at him. "What the hell was that for!" Yelling at him, "Let me get that for you, I don't want le tue belle braccia hurting all day." I started blushing, "How are my arms even pretty you pesce gatto." I told him, "Just give it to me." While getting the other side, we were fighting until it slipped and fell to the ground, breaking the crate and the tomatoes were all squished.

We were both panicking. Ercole went to find the mop and I went to find the broom and the dustpan. After we finish cleaning we continued working until I saw Giulia, Luca and Alberto. "Great here comes your little disgusting friends." Ercole said in annoyance, "Can you just leave them alone." I said. "Hmm let me think about it, nah." He said, "Ugh you're getting in my last nerves." I told him. "Great now I know how I feel." "What does it take you to leave them alone and stop bothering them." I told him, "Well since you said it. I want you to hangout with me at 8:00." My jaw dropped what did he meant by that. He just left and I went up to my friends. "Hey guys what's up today." "Ciao y/n, nothing much just finish with work and you." Giulia said "Still working." "And I see you are still wear the shirt Ercole bought you." Alberto said in annoyance, Luca nudge his arm with his elbow to stop his immaturity. We were talking for a until I saw the lovebirds I haven't seen all day. "Ciao y/n" Guido said while he was holding Ciccio's hand. I saw that Giulia, Luca and Alberto face annoyed. "Okay um y/n so we were thinking if you want to see the stars with us." Luca said, "Oh spiacente guys I actually promise someone else that I will hangout with them." I told them quite disappointed in myself.

"Oh, well that's fine maybe someday." Luca said, "Yea I bet that someone is very important." Alberto said giving a death stare at the lovebirds. "Hey Alberto leave them alone they're not doing anything to you." I told him defending the lovebirds. "Grazie y/n." Ciccio said, "Nessun problema." I told him. The three of them left so I just started talking to Guido and Ciccio. Work was finally done and I started leaving the store. "Bye guys see you on Friday." I said, "Actually you have to see me at 8:00" Ercole said, I forgot I was going to hangout with him. "Oh yeah do you even know where I live." "Yea right over there in that yellow house. I see you walk over there." He said. I went home and to my room, I decided to take just a little nap to get some energy. "Y/N wake up there's a boy waiting for you. Is he your boyfriend, ooh you got a boyfriend." Nathan said jumping around and laughing. I woke up I checked the time and it's already 8:18. I checked in the mirror checking if I still look good. Went downstairs and saw my mom and Ercole talking. "So you are here boyfriend?" She asked, " Haha great talk well have to go bye." I told her, "Okay we'll be back at 10:30." "Si mama" I told here. "Nice mama you got there." Ercole said, "Yeah but sometimes she could be overprotective." I told him, "Also why are we not taking your vespa?" "I thought it was better walking."

As we were walking we made it to a cave thingy. We climbed up a hill and I saw the sunset. It was beautiful especially with the flowers down there. "Wow it's so beautiful." I said in amazement. "Yea just like you piccola." I was smiling and blushing, why is he always like that giving me compliments but he is always rude when I'm around my friends. I felt his arm going around my shoulder. I didn't mind because then I just put my head on his shoulder. "Ercole can I tell you something." I asked him, "What is it piccola?" He answered. "Well why are like this I like this side of you, nice and so kind." I saw his face blushing, "Y/n can I kiss you?" He turned around and our faces were close. I didn't know what to say so I just nodded. He bought his lips to mine and then we kissed.

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