Part 1

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It had been a little over 3 months since Leo's return from the Central American jungle and the defeat of the monsters at Winter's Tower.

Things had been going on as they normally would down in the sewers with the ninja turtle family. It wasn't unusual for the two oldest, Leonardo and Raphael, to be fighting. They had been getting along for the longest time ever since Leo's return and capture from the Foot ninjas and Stone Generals. But now, things had changed again.

Leo was trying to get Raph to follow his orders again, which like usual, Raph was rejecting to listen again. It finally got to where Leo couldn't take it anymore and he decided to leave for some air before things got out of hand like they did back at the beginning of when he got back, of where Raph had nearly taken him out completely.

Leo ran on the rooftops as fast as he could, a lot of thoughts going through his head of what he was going to do about his brother. He wished he knew how to help him settle down more rather than getting him riled up. Raph just liked to do things his own way and not be told what to do.

While he was out, Leo didn't know that he had been spotted.

A woman on the streets with her bodyguard saw the turtle on a rooftop when he finally slowed up to catch his breath.

"Ooh! Look up there! I've never seen a turtle like that! I think I want him!" The woman, named Victoria, said. She was a rich girl and often got almost everything she ever wanted. She had long blonde hair, pale white skin, and a trim body. She had on a blue t-shirt, and blue jeans. She liked to dress casually.

Her bodyguard looked up and saw a humanoid turtle standing up there on the roof with his arms crossed and staring out across the city. He wasn't paying attention to anything down on the streets. This man had a heavy build and short, shaved black hair. He wore a black suit.

"I don't know, Victoria. Seeing those swords on him even from this distance, he might be too dangerous." The guard said.

"Well, find out as much about him as you can. I want that turtle as soon as possible, for at the moment, we are lacking certain equipment to be able to catch him properly." Victoria said.

"Very well, Victoria."

But the woman couldn't resist watching Leo as long as he stood there and when he moved off, she followed him for a short distance on the ground just to see where he went, but she soon lost him. She just wanted to see how he moved up there. He was too fast for her to keep up with.

Now that she knew she wanted that turtle, she was going to get him, for whatever price it took. But first she was going to ask around and see if anyone in the city knew about him. She wanted to find out as much information as she could about him.

The ways she saw him moving and running was like no turtle she had ever seen before. He moved more like a human. He had had a certain grace to him. She had also noticed a blue mask on him besides the sword harness on his back.

The next day, she would have her men do business and begin going to certain people who might have information about that turtle.

Leo went home after awhile to sort things out with Raph now that he had a clear head again. He just hoped his brother was calmed down now too. He would have liked to get this sorted out before he went to bed.

Raph was watching the evening news when he got home. Don and Mikey were nowhere in sight and must have gone to bed.

"Hey Raph." Leo greeted when he got down the stairs.

"Hey." Raph grumbled in reply.

"I'm sorry I was pushing you too hard earlier Raph. I'm just trying to look out for you as your big brother and leader." Leo explained.

"I'm sorry for snapping too. And I know ya are. But ya just push me too far with the orders all the time. I just like doing things my own way. I'm not a kid anymore. It makes me feel more like you're my mother instead of my brother." Raph said.

This earned a smile and a giggle out of Leo. "And I'm just also trying to use the skills Master Splinter taught me to be a leader too, as we know that our father is aging and won't be with us one day. We have to look out for each other, Raph."

"I always have your back in battle Bro."

"I just wish I had it more when we weren't in battle too." Leo sighed. "I'll try to be more lenient if you just cut me some slack. I carry most of the responsibility as the leader for this family. Just try to talk to me and see if going topside is safe or just let me know if you're going out. I worry because I care that I don't want something to happen to you."

"Gotcha Bro. Well, I'm going to bed." Raph yawned and turned the TV off.

"Night Raph." Leo said and headed to his own room to go to bed. He went to sleep feeling satisfied that this argument had been settled.

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