Part 14

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Leo recovered from his surgery two weeks later and got the stitches out. He started training again and was happy to be himself again.

During his recovery, he had been told about the ovaries that were discovered. He was shocked to hear that, but he just hoped he wasn't going to get pregnant again. He would have enough children on his hands to take care of very soon.

Leo and the others checked on the eggs every day to make sure that they were okay and not crushing up or anything. If they crushed up, they were going to be dud eggs. But the eggs stayed firm and oval.

Leo looked at the heaters on each egg, and the ones that were going to be girls had higher temperatures than the boys. He wondered how long until they hatched.

"The end of the summer, but I'm just estimating," Don had said.

He was very nervous about becoming a father, but at least he was glad that they were going to be born from these eggs instead of in his body. This way, he could still get on with his ninja skills again, as he hadn't trained while he had recovered from a cut plastron. Two weeks had been long enough for him to wait.

Mikey and Don were excited about becoming uncles, but Raph was still a little uncertain. He knew that bringing new life into the family was a good thing, but he was still nervous about these little babies. And Splinter was happy to be becoming a grandfather. April would be an aunt, and Casey would be another uncle.

If he ever would have become a father in his life, Leo would have preferred it to happen with a girl that loved him, but that wasn't going to happen now. He would have to start out a single dad. But after being told about the ovaries, he knew he was both parents in one body. He wondered if the babies would look like him. Or his brothers at all.

Another thing that Mikey had brought up was that they all needed to come up with some names for the children. Leo thought carefully on that. He knew his own name and his brothers' names were all from the Italian Renaissance time. But Leo reflected more on how much he loved the Japanese culture.

He wanted his kids to be named Japanese names. One boy and one girl name would be easy to come up with.

Leo went to Master Splinter one day to talk. "Father, I've been doing some thinking on names for my little ones. And I was wanting to know if it would be ok for me to honor your teacher and mentor, Master Yoshi, if I could name one of my sons after him?"

That question brought a smile to Splinter's face. "I'm sure he would like very much, Leonardo. You have my blessing to name one of your sons after my master."

"And if I could name one of the girls after Tang Shin?"

Splinter again gave his blessing. Tang Shin's name was rare to ever be heard.

Leonardo was glad his father had given his blessings. Now he just needed to think up two more names for the other two. But then, his thoughts turned to something else. What if Victoria did have more children of his?

This thought infuriated him. He turned back to his father.

"Master, I just had a bad thought. I think Victoria did this to me once before too. I think she has some more babies of mine. I can't let her raise them as her own."

"It can be hard to say for certain unless you can find her again, Leonardo."

"I have to find her again. I know she was up the Hudson River in the upstate region somewhere, but she could have moved on since then. She may be coming back for me."

"You and your brothers should prepare to find her. If you want to get any babies of yours back before hatching." Splinter advised.

"Yes, Sensei."

Leo got up and left the room. It would be better to get any others back before the four eggs hatched and then it would be impossible for the adult turtles to leave them on their own. He and his brothers needed to start planning a rescue of his other eggs or babies now.

Raphael was more than willing to help his brother get some payback at Victoria for stealing him away from his family. And for what she had done to him.

Donatello brought out some maps for Leo to look at to see if he recognized anything that he had followed home, and where he might suspect to find Victoria.

As Leo looked at the maps, it was hard to tell for certain. He knew he had had a long journey. "I don't think I can really tell where I was exactly without knowing what town we were closest to. Maybe Donny, you can track her down on the Internet?"

"Did you any by chance catch her last name? Then I might be able to."

"No. I didn't. But I know she was a rich girl. Blonde hair, a body kind of like April's. That's all I can tell you about her. But she didn't wear fancy clothes like the typical rich girl either." Leo explained the best he could.

"I might be able to look her up, as she's rich as you say." Don said. "I'll call you and see if you know her face."

"I remember her face alright. But yes, you do that, Donny. I have to find my other kids."

Don watched his brother leave his lab. He knew this was hard on Leo. Ever since his return home, things had now changed completely for the whole family. They were expecting new life in a couple of months or so, and though the eggs weren't hatched yet, he was already acting like an expectant father. But the enemy had to have more of Leo's children as he suspected too.

Now was the right time to try to get the babies back.

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