Part 2

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Victoria's secret service men started going around the city the next day to do as their mistress ordered. To find out information about a blue masked turtle she had seen.

Some of the people they went to see had no idea of him. But one, such as the Foot, knew who they were wanting to know more about.

The subject of the ninja turtles was brought up and that the turtle that had been seen had 3 other brothers and that the one seen was known to be the leader of the group of four. They patrolled the city looking for trouble and spoiled bad guy plans. But other than that, they didn't know much more about his lifestyle other than being a ninja.

All this information was sure to please Victoria. At least this turtle seemed like a good guy.


"Wow! I have to have that turtle!" Victoria shouted excitedly. "But did you ever get a name?"

"No. Most of the people giving us the information didn't know his name, just knew his business." The man said. "Though a big top honcho might know his name. Or we'll find out when we catch him. So when do you want him?"

"Go out and start looking for him! I want him so bad!"

"But what are you going to do with him? And what if he's with the others?"

"I just want the blue masked one. And what I do with him is my business." Victoria said. "But make sure to capture him unharmed!"

The man went to talk to his associates and they went and did some homework first a little on turtles, then got some tranquilizer ready, as they were going to make a painless operation as possible to capture the turtle their boss wanted.

They could get why she wanted him as he was a marvelous creature to look at running across the rooftops, but they just didn't know what she would have done with him when she got him. But they would support her decisions.


It took a few more months before they would be able to capture the blue masked turtle that Victoria wanted. With some specialist's help, the turtles were seen in many different places across the city and they were filmed to show Victoria what she was up against if she wanted her men to succeed in capturing her chosen turtle.

Aside from the fancy footwork that they could do jumping around and across rooftops, they were also seen fighting the Foot army and Purple Dragons on the streets. But at times, when they were just hanging out on one rooftop for a little while, she often saw her turtle and the red masked one fighting with one another.

Maybe taking the blue one away would make the red one happier?

Victoria had also wanted to try just a few tests on him to see how he would resist and then the final part would come and he might not like it.

She had a special room designed for him for when he arrived. It would be all his when he wasn't in for testing. She also had some shackles in the room in case they were needed and she was sure she would need them at first.

When the turtle would be tranquilized and transported to her place, it would be upstate New York, a long way from this city that he was so used to. The turtle would get lost up there if he tried to escape, and Victoria was certain he would try to escape, and she needed to be prepared for it.

It would have been easier if Leonardo was alone when they tried to capture him, but Victoria was getting desperate to get him.

Her men were ordered to pick a place and stay there and was certain the turtle would come there sooner or later, and even with any of his brothers, she wanted him badly. The orders were to dart all of the turtles and only take the blue one.

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