Part 8

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There were a few more times that Leo was sedated and semen samples taken. But they didn't do it all the time. Once a week was preferable. And every time Leo woke up, his groin was always on fire and it made him have to masturbate. But he never knew what had happened to him while he was unconscious.

The big day soon arrived. It was 7 weeks after the female tortoise had been brought in.

It was the middle of November right now. Leo had been missing from his family for well over 3 months now, and he still missed them terribly. He still hadn't been told of what his big job was for Victoria. He doubted he would ever truly find out. Maybe she just wanted to keep him here for the rest of his life. Maybe that was his big job; entertaining her when she wanted to do something to him. But Leo would much rather it be him than his brothers.

Leo was brought from his cell to the surgical room once again, where he immediately began a struggle. He always struggled to not be tied down to a table. Not that Victoria didn't enjoy watching him do it; it made her want to do this all the more.

When he was finally tied down, Victoria came over and began to untie Leo's belt. His gut hitched with slow breaths.

"What are you going to do?" Leo asked nervously.

"We've had to do some exams lately and when you were asleep during them, we found something in your stomach that needs to come out." Victoria lied to him. She wasn't going to tell him the real reason for this surgery.

"My stomach feels fine."

"It may feel fine now, but we must get it out before it gets worse. Don't worry. You won't be awake to feel anything. We'll try to make it as quick as possible."

"My plastron will take a long time to heal." Leo got worried.

"It's ok. You've got time. A long winter lays ahead and you can use that for recovery, and more. And every now and again, you will be getting some necessary injections too for your health."

"I've done well all my life without injections."

"Well, with this thing, it may have something bad and the injections will help to keep infections at bay." She tried to explain to him, though it was all lies.

With the way that she had treated him in the past once, he figured more that sooner or later, she was just wanting to get inside of him and dissect him.

Leo was put on an IV and injected with the sleeping drug. Once again, he was knocked out. Now was the time to begin.

"Bring her in." Victoria ordered.

The female tortoise was now brought in, also sedated. With plenty of surgeons back here, both turtles' plastrons were going to be sawed into at the same time, though locating organs was going to be its own dilemma.

The operation began with Leo and the tortoise's plastrons being sawed into. Vitals were monitored carefully. Soon there were big holes in their bellies. Leo's organs were searched for first. They were in the very back nearly. Good, now that the spots were found, it was the girl's turn.

The female's ovaries were located very low in her belly. They were clamped and tied off. Then cut. Getting the ovaries into the new host had to be done in the right timing for them to still be functional.

While the surgeons had been working to get the ovaries, surgeons had also worked on getting Leo's organs repositioned to accept the ovaries. Now that they were retrieved, they were taken over to Leo's body and the ovaries were now tied into Leo's organs. Hopefully they would still be functional.

Now it was time to get the injuries fixed up again. Using epoxy glue and strips, the plastrons were closed back up again and set to heal once all the tissues had been treated. Leo's waist was wrapped in bandages while the tortoise had a special covering over her belly. In the spring, they would return her to the zoo, but she just wouldn't be a breeder anymore.

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