Chapter 15

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From today updates will be a little short.
Truth to be told, I'm jealous and I know why I'm so jealous.

I have fallen in love with Jason.

I love Jason. I truly love him, but now I know that he loves someone else. He's still in love with his ex-fiance.

He must have loved her in his past that's why she was his fiance. It hurts a lot, to see your love with someone else, still, in going to give him a chance to explain, fiance or not, she was his past, her eyes show that she still loves him though.

My mind is a mess right now.

God, please help me.

I have never been to Jason's penthouse, now he has called to his penthouse, he has a beautiful house.

Of course, he's a billionaire so he will have a big and beautiful house.

I knock on his door, the door opens and my eyes widen when I see the sight in front of me.

Susie is standing there only in a shirt and what it looks like it's Jason's shirt. I suddenly felt my heartbeat stopped.

Did he call me to see this?

My eyes are filled with tears.

"Hi Lily, you are here to see Jason?" She asks.

No. I'm not.

"Who's there Susie" I hear a male voice, it's Jason.

"I should go" I finally take these words out of my throat. I turn and walk away. Images of him and Susie haunting my mind. I close my eyes, hoping that it will decrease the pain.

Suddenly I hear Jason shout my name.

"Lily, Lily, let me explain," he says running behind me.

Suddenly all my emotions are turned into rage.

How can he do this to me?

You are doing the same thing, Lily, by not telling him your truth.

Why you met him? How you met him? Why did you lead this forward?

And then I'm covered in guilt, the guilt of betraying him. I planned to save him, not to fall in love. But I did.

I fell in love.

"Lily, it's not what it looks like, she just came here for a business meeting, then she by mistake pour wine on her dress, so I had given her my shirt, I swear Lily nothing hap---

"Do you know how difficult it is?" I cut him off.

"What?" He asks in confusion.

Difficult to hide the truth.

"It's so difficult to see you right now, my mind is filled with you and her." I chock.

"It's killing me right now Jason, you never told me she was your ex-fiance. You lied to me, now I just saw her in your shirt. You expect met--"

"Yes, I expect you to believe me because I never gave you that kind of signal, I might be a manwhore but I don't cheat, I never cheat. Yes, I was engaged to Susie but only for a month. You have to hear me out, don't let your jealousy come between here" he says and my anger reaches its peak.

"Jealousy? Yes, I'm jealous of Jason because she got a part of you that I never got. She has been in your penthouse, and was invited now, to what? To see you and Susie, sitting there chatting?" I yell.

"Jesus, I'm here with you, aren't I? If would have to want Susie, in my bed, I would have done that already, it's your jealousy and insecurity coming between us, do you not trust me, Ariel?" He yells too.

He's right, but I'm blinded in anger to see anything right now.

"Just go to hell Jason, I don't want to talk to you," I say walking away.

"Yes, I don't want to talk to you either" he shouts, his voice sounding hurt, but I'm too deaf to notice.

The nerve of him.

Why, why did ever fall in love with him?
Hi, only 8 chapters are left excluding the bonus chapters.

Chapters will be short because I have now made a list of what will come in the next chapters and I want to keep that only.

So I think by next week, it will be over.

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