Chapter 17

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So everything sorted out between me and Jason. So we decided to go to a fair.

Everything is fine now but my mind is a mess, some so many people who envy Jason, I have doubts about everyone especially that Susie. I don't know what her intentions are, how will I catch the killer, I don't know. I know that it is a murder, not an accident.


Because in his world, nothing is an accident. Maybe someone kills him for his money. He did tell me about his parents, but not any relative who is alive.

Jason is a big mystery to solve.

I come out of my thoughts when Jason nudges me a little.

"Are you okay?" He asks his eyes show concern. I nodded giving him a reassuring smile.

I'm anything but fine.

We reach the fair. And then I forget all my worries and jump like a kid, clapping my hands. Jason laughs at me.

"Let's go," he says holding my hand. We then laugh and enjoy ourselves our whole time at the fair. He kisses my forehead from time to time.

We buy many toys and gifts, I buy a few for my family and Jason.

When we were walking, I see a lady who is staring at me. I don't know why I felt very strange seeing her.

Maybe she's seeing Jason.

I don't know. It is giving me creeps anyway.

"Hey, I need to go to the washroom. You will be good?" He asks.

"Yeah," I say. He smiles and goes not before giving me a peck.

Suddenly the lady comes in front of me. She looks very old, maybe in the 70s or 80s.

Will she kill me?

God, I haven't told Jason I love him yet.

I will die a virgin.

I have to tease mom and dad.

I have to hide my candies from Dee.

My heart starts to beat crazy.

"You are dealing with powerful forces, if not stopped, you will get yourself killed." She says and I look at her in confusion.

"What do y--"

"What you have I had it too, it leads me to my destruction," she says cutting me off and my eyes widen.

I'm not alone in this?

What..what is this?

"Will you please say it clearly?" I ask her after gaining some voice.

"God chooses special people to give them powers, that is what I think. Like you I also have power. I can see who will die in the future." She says. And my mouth falls open.

She can help me.

"Will you please tell me how---"

"I can't help you, girl. You see something that is fixed, fated, and his destiny. You can't do anything. Like you I also tried to save someone at your age." She says.

"What happened then?" I ask.

"Nothing, he died anyway. I was not able to save him, no matter what, I was not able to as this is something natural you can't stop it. I see people dying every time, girl whom will you save?" She says. I shake my head.

"I just want to save Jason," I say.

"I wanted to save the guy too, but he died, You can't do anything. But if your love is true and strong, nature can bend" she says.

"Whom were trying at save at your age?" I ask.

"My husband," she says.

"Ariel" I head Jason in the crowd.

"Listen to me girl, you can't do anything but always trust your love and heart," she says and goes away.

"But..." I call out but she went away.

"Hey," Jason says coming to my side, I see his face which reflects happiness and love, and warmth. My eyes are filled with tears at the thought of losing him.

"Hey" I whisper, my voice not able to come from my mouth.

"Let's go?" He says and I nod.

Trust your love and heart.

You are dealing with powerful forces.

You can't do anything.

My husband.

Her words ring in my mind. For the first time now my determination to save Jason is crumbling.

How can you see your love die when you know about this?

I think of that lady, she must have gone through so much.

"Lily, are you okay?" Jason asks making me coming out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired" I say giving him a tired look.

We reach my house as it's almost night.

"Take care, good night," he says kissing me. And at that moment I pour all my love into that kiss.

"Good night Jason," I say coming out of the car, giving Jason the last wave, and stepping inside my house.

"That's it, young lady, you have been spending too much time with your boyfriend. You forgot about me" dad says crossing his arms over his chest.

I laugh a little and then hug him.

Maybe he could sense something. That's why he asks.

"What happened?"

"Just tired," I say.

Being tired of everything, and at that time I realise something. This month will be over soon. The D-day is coming. Soon.



I'm announcing my first ever Indian series.


You may have seen many stories that must be forbidden, but this forbidden series has never been seen before forbidden romance.

1. Nurse and patient.
2. Elder sister's best friend.
3. Billionaire and a waitress.
4. Sister and sister's fiancee.

These will be standalones.

Share it as much as you can, please. These stories are in progress, will come soon.

Get ready for some forbidden action.

P.s - I like the 4th one the most.

Thank you.

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