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kawa says: i want to date a cute girl!

.・゜-: ✧ :- 

IWAIZUMI LOOKED DOWN AT HER while she hummed a little song. He smiled lightly.

"You know what? I honestly think that vanilla is better than strawberry." He said, leaning back onto his heel as L/N started to pack her bag.

"Wha? Oh...you're one of those guys who like plain types, huh?" She sighed. Then smiled. "Strawberry is way better than every flavour. Except for caramel. Any type of caramel is amazing."

"See, I gotta disagree on that one. Caramel's kind of gross." He half-smiled, resting his arms behind his head while looking down at her. "It's way too sweet."

"Okay...what about salted caramel?"

He pondered for a moment. Then spoke. "Eh, I just don't like the flavour in general. It's just...ew." He faked gagged, looking away.

"Now you're pushing it. Strawberry and caramel are two of the um- best flavours to ever...be flavoured!" She threw her gloved hands up in the air, slinging her bag around her shoulders quickly and started to walk out. Iwaizumi followed suit, jogging up to her.

"I personally like plainer tastes. Sours just meh and bitter is always icky no matter who you are."

"I actually like bitter as long as it's paired with either spicy or something flavourful," L/N stated with a grin. She hummed. "Like...soy sauce and dumplings! It balances out the tastes."

"Hm...I guess. Man, you like culinary shit don't you?" His eyes sort of crinkled as he spoke.

Now regaining her composure, she replied. "Yep. I really want to be a cook or owner of a diner when I'm older. I love making food that people will love." She smiled at him, unknowing making him smile back.

"Yeah...Maybe I'd go there." He mumbled, glancing at her cheekily. "Just maybe, though."

"Why, do you underestimate my cooking skills?" She asked teasingly, looking over her shoulder at him. He scoffed and sort of looked away.

"I mean...the only thing you kinda had in your cupboard was like...5-minute noodles."

"It's because my Aunt likes them, okay?" Blushing, she snapped at him and lifted her scarf so it was covering her face.

"Alright, whatever you say."

L/N laughed, punching his bicep lightly and smiling. But her smile soon fell, and she started to look around.

Iwaizumi noticed her lack of smile and was confused, "are you okay?"

"Do-do you hear that?" She asked carefully, the ace looking back at her and lifting one eyebrow.

"Yeah...I think. Is it meowing?"

"That's what I'm hearing too! Is there a cat somewhere? I don't remember any stray cats being around this area." She reflected anxiously, looking around. She walked away to the side and the meowing got louder. Iwaizumi followed, them both moving around until the noise was at its loudest point.

"Where is it? It's louder here. Do you think it's okay?" She looked at Iwaizumi for reassurance. He smiled and nodded.

"I'm sure it's okay. We should get goin-"

"Oh my god! It's in the tree!" L/N yelled out, hands flying to her mouth. Her eyes softened as she pointed up to show the small, grey kitten shivering and meowing while clung onto a branch. "Poor baby.."

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