22 - I LIKE YOU.

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FINALLY GYAT DAMN. im going to throw up i actually love them so much they are so gagsydvdyuhdgd

.・゜-: ✧ :- 


It was Shiratorizawa. L/N watched as they fell to the ground, defeated and lost. But all she could see was...

Ushijima Wakatoshi.

How is he even human?

She frowned, walking out of her chair. No matter what he was, all that mattered, was that he was good at volleyball. Freaking good. His teammates all catered to him, all served him everything on a silver platter.

It made a feeling stir in her stomach.

"Ugh!" Osi groaned, kicking a rock. They were going home now. Since they didn't take a bus, they'd be walking back in the darkness. "That's just... unfair!"

Auyumi sighed, looking away into the distance. "They are the better team. We just... Have to accept that, I guess."

"But..." Yusa took in a heavy breath through her nose. "...They just...! Ugh. They looked so sad. It made me feel pity for them."

"I don't know," Gigi shrugged her shoulders, walking out of the convenience store and passing the others drinks, "It didn't look like they were sad, to me. It looked more... defeated."

"That's like, totally the same thing." Osi rolled her brown eyes, puffing out her cheeks and crossing her arms. "I don't think that Ushiwaka guy is cute anymore. Nuh-uh, no way."

"I don't know why you thought that in the first place," Yusa scoffed. "I thought you had a crush on Oikawa."

"Nope! Not anymore. Besides, he has a thing for Auyumi," Osi walked closer to her, wiggling her brows unnaturally. "Didn't he ask you out before the match? Hmm???"

"Yeah." The girl with glasses nodded. "But, I said no."

"WHAT?!" Osi gasped, eye twitching. "Why?!"

"Because..." She sipped on her drink, black eyes watching L/N, who was walking in front of them, on her phone. "It would be weird. And I'm not interested in a relationship with a guy."

"Oh... Oh!!" Osi gasped, cheeks flushing pink when she realised what she meant. "So you...! Oh! Shoot!" 

Yusa laughed loudly, slapping the smaller girl's back. "You seriously didn't know?! Aha!"

"It was honestly pretty obvious," Gigi shrugged, flicking her plait over her shoulder.

"Huh?! No way! I had no idea?!"

L/N stared down at her phone, squinting at the bright light compared to the dark night in Miyagi. She was texting Iwaizumi.


hey iwaizumi-san

hey l/n
what's up

you doing okay? i heard abt shiratorizawa

im fine
ig im jus a bit upset because i told you we would win and we didn't and ugh

its okay
dont worry 

idk ig
i'm really tired too lol

lmfao me too 
we have to walk back home

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