Cuties with Cuties Part 42

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A few nights after the family's return from Seoul, an evening of balmy warmth drew Hye-won, Ciara and the children out to enjoy a dip in the bay, with other families and kiddies. It was so refreshing to stroll and play in the shallows with the children and first Ciara and then Hye-won took a little time to submerge in deeper waters and enjoy the sensation of these cooler wavelets. The picnic that they shared afterwards was a relaxed affair, with the children's favourite hard-boiled eggs and chopped fruit, as well as the small boxes of dried raisins that they both loved. Hye-won saw that Hye-jae and her brother were very interested in the other families dotted around them but realised that it wasn't so much the families but their pets that were the attraction. Cute puppies were the clear favourites though larger dogs were also catching their eye. But it was when a new family set up their station a few metres away that the excitement really caught fire, as their 2 cute dogs made the children fizzy with glee and every little yip and skip the dogs made brought giggles and smiles from the 2. Hye-won saw it all and had a quiet word with Ciara, whose suggestion of an ice-cream brought squeals of agreement. With little ears out of the way, Hye-won took a stroll in the direction of the new family and got chatting with the mom and what she heard gave her plenty of food for thought, before the return of the kiddies, with the usual quartet of flavours, Ciara taking the banana in Seon-jae's place, just this once.


The children were asleep in moments that night, both their bath and book routine shortened due to their evening exertions

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The children were asleep in moments that night, both their bath and book routine shortened due to their evening exertions. Though Ciara was leaving for a rehearsal in the city - after which she was meeting Julie, eyes gleaming as she said the name - the friends had time for a quick chat and they made a plan together for the weekend. A quick hug, then Ciara left in her usual flurry of energy. She's like a new woman, just as I am.


The trip with the kids on Saturday afternoon was to the local animal shelter, which Hye-won had rung in advance to explain the children's ages and their wish for 2 puppies, preferably siblings

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The trip with the kids on Saturday afternoon was to the local animal shelter, which Hye-won had rung in advance to explain the children's ages and their wish for 2 puppies, preferably siblings. Though both kids had been super excited at the idea that they might be able to pick out their pets that very day, as soon as they were in the door, the unfamiliar sounds and smells seemed to rob their courage and they hung back a little. The owner of the shelter - an older lady with grey hair and kindly eyes, Marianne - had obviously seen this many times before and she leaned to the shy children.

'Hi there, you 2. Your Mom has told me a little about you - you are twins, right?'

This brought the expected laughing protests, which totally broke the ice, after which the manager took the 2 by the hand - with Hye-won and Ciara following after - to the Puppy Room, as she called it, with so many little bundles of energy, in need of a good home. Marianne looked at the children - eyes big as saucers, their Mom and Godmother behind wondering how they might ever make a decision - and steered the children to the far end of the room.

'Come with me, children - I have a little brother and sister here that I think you will just love.'

These were the magic words and Hye-won could see the anticipation rise in the eyes of both her little ones. They will be so disappointed if this doesn't work out. She was almost beginning to regret the whole idea when Marianne brought the 2 to a kennel with 2 most adorable little corgis - one brown and white and one black and white - tumbling and falling over one another, noses quivering and ears shaking. Both kids immediately sank to their knees and, with a look to Hye-won which brought a little head-nod, Marianne opened the kennel door. Now, though they could leave the enclosure, the puppies - like the children earlier - became cautious, hanging at the door and looking fearfully at these giants blocking their way.

If they had wanted to endear themselves to the children, they couldn't have come up with a better plan, as the kids seemed to know instinctively that these little guys shouldn't be crowded or rushed and they both crouched down even lower - to make themselves appear smaller - and held out their hands to the pups. For a moment, nothing seemed to happen, then the smaller of the 2 made the tiniest movement to brush his nose against Seon-won's hand and then the bigger followed his lead and sniffed Hye-jae's hand. The children remained perfectly still and allowed the puppies to come closer, so that sniffs turned to licks, which brought the children's giggles and soon the puppies were relaxed enough to let the children rub their coats, which made them shiver with enjoyment. Then the fun really started and as the children and the animals played and laughed together - all fear and shyness now gone - the 3 women watching these bonding antics looked at each other and it was obvious that this was a match made in heaven and nothing now could part these little beings from each other.


Just before they left the shelter, Hye-won snapped the 2 kids with their armfuls of treasure - Hye-jae cuddling the bigger of the 2 who had pretty, stand-up ears while Seon-won's sweet bundle had cute, floppy ears that often seemed about to cover ...

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Just before they left the shelter, Hye-won snapped the 2 kids with their armfuls of treasure - Hye-jae cuddling the bigger of the 2 who had pretty, stand-up ears while Seon-won's sweet bundle had cute, floppy ears that often seemed about to cover his eyes, but never quite did. She sent it to Seon-jae, with the caption -

Our 2 cuties found their 2 cuties.

Arriving back to the house, the children were in a frenzy of excitement, in theory showing the puppies around the house but in practice, running willy-nilly after the 2 excitable canines, as they ran into and out of every nook and cranny. As the noise levels rose, Hye-won retreated to the garden - Ciara having taken the train into the city to spend Saturday night with Julie, her parting words: 'hey, not long now til Lover Boy gets home and we have our little surprise concert,' which had brought Hye-won's smiles of anticipation. As she sat listening to the high-pitched squeals and excited barking, her phone dinged -

This is too too cute - how will we stand it? Though I also wonder, will we ever sleep again? I imagine it has been a busy day so please go to sleep early. Love you love you.

It might have been the sweet message or maybe the sounds of unbridled merriment emanating from the house or even the lilting thrills of her garden choir in every bush and shrub around her but Hye-won felt a swelling sense of emotion. Her privilege and happiness seemed to whisper and stir about her, like a refreshing, summer breeze in the fading, evening light. I'm the luckiest person on the planet. She checked the time and saw that Seon-jae was just about to go on stage in Michigan and decided not to even risk sending a text just then, in case it made him lonely. Instead, she stood and walked inside and - in a gap of the noise of the mayhem - suggested that the doggies might enjoy being in the yard for a little while. As all 4 babies were cavorting in the grass, Hye-won sat in the swing-seat and took a video for Seon-jae and she knew that when he came off-stage, it would be the best gift of all for him to see and hear the joyful laughing and yelping showing that the children and their new loves already understood each other perfectly. Just as we do, my love, just as we do.

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