West Coast Wonders Part 51

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Seon-jae's calm entry on stage drew whistles and calls but following a low-key, good-humoured bow, he sat to the beautiful instrument and the audience soon settled in anticipation. He took a handkerchief from his pocket and placed it inside the lid, not the same one that Hye-won had given him for his debut - long washed out from use - but a new one from her, especially for this summer concert tour - as she had said - so you always have me with you - to which he had answered - you are in my heart always and forever, my love...but thank you, this will give me such courage, just like the last one. A short pause, then a single note - repeated, then chords - repeated - and everyone in the hall knew that this was the hugely technical and challenging second Hungarian Rhapsody by Liszt and a ripple of relaxation ran over the audience who settled in for a treat, just as Hye-won did.  And what a treat it was - pyrotechnics of virtuosic playing interspersed with warmly sensitive passages.  It's just as the review that we read described.  Hye-won found it difficult to remain composed and looking around as the piece concluded - with some of the most dramatic and fast passages ever written for the instrument perfectly delivered, vigorous applause breaking out - she saw many faces showing the same stirred emotions that she was experiencing, at the magnitude of the talent they were witnessing.


As Seon-jae accepted the thunderous applause with repeated bows, his appearance was affable, unflappable. As though he has been playing such pieces in such venues his whole life-time.  It was some time before the applause settled sufficiently for Seon-jae to resume his seat and when the quietly beautiful passages of the first of Brahms' 3 Intermezzi were heard - the perfect soothing remedy to the fever of Liszt's brouhaha - it seemed to Hye-won that a shot of pure contentment ran through her and the sighs and whispers around her made her think that the same was felt by many present. The hypnotic lyricism of the writing and the flawless artistry of the playing were a very special combination and Hye-won was reminded of Seon-jae's playing of another piece by Brahms - as he had called it, his love letter to her - as the encore of his debut performance and she could hear the same, gentle warmth and thoughtful introspection in the playing of these 3 pieces that had been so moving years before. Tears flowed silently, as she drank in the heart-breaking beauty of every sound that Seon-jae produced and when the last, whispered note faded, there was a lull, while the audience luxuriated in the warmth that he had created for them, before expressing their appreciation with heart-felt claps, calls, and a standing ovation - usually unheard of in the first half. Hye-won rose eagerly to her feet too and joined her hands and voice to those around her in expressing her private thanks to her love for what had been a scintillating and moving first half.


Hye-won didn't stir during the interval, preferring instead to rest and recover her equilibrium for what was sure to be an equally thrilling second act. It was also a moment to again puzzle through her conversation with Francis and wonder about the possibilities in the proposals that he had made to her. There is something in what he says, of course.

When the audience resumed their seats and Seon-jae returned to a now-partisan welcome from his newly-ordained devotees, Hye-won felt a charge of scintillation thrill through her powerfully and she made a conscious decision to let her worries float away for now and to allow her darling's genius transport her to another world. And so it proved. From the first note of Beethoven's Diabelli Variations to the very last note of the 33rd variation - some 50 or so minutes later - Hye-won felt she hardly drew breath. It was as if she was transfixed by the genius she was listening to. For Seon-jae - so young - to tackle this apex of the cannon was already astounding but to pull off such contrasting pieces - displaying fire and ice just as needed - was breath-taking. Whether in pace, passion or panache, Seon-jae really was a master of the instrument. It was hard at times to realise that this was a live sound - 1 astounding rendition following another - and Hye-won had the exact sensation of being transported to another world, just as she had hoped. As applause worthy of a rock concert and the second standing ovation of the night were happening, she truly felt that to be present at such a concert was such a life-time privilege and she laughed out loud with joyful pride on her love's behalf, as she continued to clap her hands sore, hearing the 2 grandes dames behind her enthuse - wasn't that just amazing? - It really was out-of-this-world.  It really was, ladies, it really was.

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