West Coast Wonders Part 48

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Hye-won stirred during the night, the habit of always keeping an ear out for the children having made her a light sleeper. She felt an unexpected weight across her chest and opened her eyes to see her love, his arm enclosing her, even in sleep, as though he was afraid that he would wake up and find their sweet reunion had all been an elaborate fantasy. The memory of the intense love-making that had made them both deliriously happy before sleep made her smile, as she kissed his resting forehead so close. Sweet, gorgeous man. Moving with stealth, she lifted his arm and slipped out from under it. She walked to the large window that they had not waited to draw the curtain across and quietly gazed up to the canopy of stars. The infinite space grew a stillness within her and she crossed her arms over her body as she lost herself perusing such beauty. 

A hard, warm body enfolded her from behind and a warm mouth nuzzled below her ear: 'what's the matter, love? Can't you sleep?'

She arched her neck, her skin popping into goosebumps with the sensuous intimacy of the touch: 'I'm perfectly fine...just missing the kids, I suppose.'

He lifted his eyes to hers: 'I know...I miss them so much too.'

He grazed his lips along the outer curls of her ear and Hye-won couldn't stifle a giggle: 'but we will be with them in 2 days and then all the days after.'

She loved how his hands were moulding along her tummy and hips, pushing down along her thighs and moulding her buttocks so forcefully that she was losing her train of thought. She rested her head back against his shoulders and leaned her body back against his: 'I love when you touch me like this...though on second thoughts, is there anything that you do to me that I don't love?'

His low, rumbling chuckles as he continued to press his lips to the curves and hollows of her shoulders were also a particular delight of hers and she squirmed, loving everything he did, her eyes still on the piercing diamonds billions of light years away: 'these stars have been very good to us, haven't they?'

He didn't follow: 'hmm...in what way?'  Cuteness.

Her dreamy tones flowed over him - as though he might still be asleep - as his mouth and hands adored her skin, almost, it seemed, with no conscious thought from him.

'Well, think about it, my love. They were with us that last bitter-sweet night before I went away from you.'  Don't remind me of the torture of that night - and all the nights after.

'And they were with us on our wonderful night in the Schwarzwald, when you persuaded me to open up to you.'

This time, his chuckles were truly filthy and she realised her inadvertent double entendre and chuckled with him. You adorable brat, Lee Seon-jae.

'Fine, fine, you have me there.'

'I sure did have you there...and it was super hot,' and now his laughs were the sexiest of all and she reached back and lightly tapped his rounded buttock, her hand thrilling to feel his apple-shaped pertness: 'you are such a cute brat, Lee Seon-jae.' You really did have me there, there's no denying it.

She leaned her mouth close to nibble his ear-lobe and she thrilled to feel the shiver that went right through him from his head to his feet, as she whispered seductively in his ear, knowing how arousing he found that: 'and I had you there too, if I remember your moans properly.'

His moans now were the match of that night under the stars, as her seduction hit him hard and Hye-won could feel her own excitement begin to burn more fiercely. His hands were gathering pace, moving from her abdomen upwards. He turned his head to meet her eyes and the look he gave her had the effect of a passionate kiss, sending throbbing heat rushing to her core. He inhaled a steadying breath and then cupped both hands onto her naked breasts and it seemed to ignite them both. She pushed her breasts forward into his massaging hands and her bottom back against his hips and he gave an aching moan of lust for this gorgeous woman but he still had the wherewithal to remember their conversation: 'sweetheart, don't forget the stars that winked at us in lovely Bergamo in Italy.'

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