City of Love and Light Part 63

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Hye-won wasn't sure if it was the beautiful buildings, the vibrant street-life, the sweet warmth of the spring weather or just the sense of excitement to finally have the whole family together in this historic city but as she strolled with Seon-jae, the children and Ciara and Julie through 1 of many picturesque parks they had seen, she knew that she was falling for the charms of Paris, just as so many had done before her.  She smiled to see Seon-won swinging between his 2 godmothers, his laughs as they swung him - up...down - with the rhythm of their walking, like delightful bubbles of joy that she never tired of hearing and which always rose her mood.  Just behind this rowdy threesome walked Seon-jae and Hye-jae - deep in conversation, hand-in-hand, arms also swinging, though without either of them seeming to be aware of it.  Seon-jae's head was lowered a little so as not to miss a word from his little girl, while Hye-jae's head was lifted to gaze on her Daddy as they walked and talked.  They are like 2 peas in a pod, those 2.  Hye-won lifted her eyes to gaze on the - Église de Saint Eustache - Church of Saint Eustache - flying buttresses clashing with rose windows and extravagant vaulting to create an incredible gothic exterior - and wondered again at the number of breath-taking buildings that seemed to pepper the Parisian streetscapes.  Though God knows how they survived so many wars and revolutions.

The unmistakeable sounds of swing jazz partly covered the pleasing peals of Seon-won and his swingers and as they entered the paved area along the ornate flank of the church, they saw crowds of sunny afternoon strollers, like themselves, attracted by the music and gathered to enjoy the show.  For show it was, as a group of about 15 brass players rollicked through one swing tune after another, their less than impeccable technique made up for by their energetic delivery and huge volume.  Hye-won noticed that almost all were barefoot and was immediately reminded of the street performer who had captivated her attention in New Orleans.  She saw that - as with that memorable, young woman - none of the street performers played in stillness but their enjoyment of the music - and performing with others in this public venue - had them all swaying their bodies and nodding their heads, with many in the impromptu audience following suit.  She felt a hand slip around her waist, as a warm body enclosed hers from behind and without a moment's hesitation, leaned her head back against the chest behind her, closing her eyes, with a little sigh of pleasure.

A low-murmured chuckling tease, close to her ear: 'you didn't even check who it is - I could be any French - monsieur - man - hoping to get lucky with the prettiest girl in the city of love.'

Her low laughs matched his: 'my darling, do you really think my body doesn't know every inch of yours - the strength in your arms, the touch of your hands, even your scent - after all these years?'  Knows...and loves.

Something about that response seemed to touch them both and Hye-won opened her eyes and looked to Seon-jae, where he leaned his head close to her.  These eyes, so many times I have looked in their depths and still there is a universe to know.  She saw Seon-jae swallow briefly, as though he needed to recover himself somewhat before speaking: 'that's a...beautiful thought, my love, one that I think is going to run around in my head all day.'

His desirous expression left her in no doubt as to where those thoughts would lead them both and she slipped her tongue to the corner of her lip and fixed him with her most searing gaze - but can you wait, my love? - no, not if you look at me like that - and the bubbling laughter from both had more in common with Seon-won's than either realised.



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