Chapter Two

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Almond let out a sigh of relief as he silently unlocked the front door and stepped inside. He shut his eyes for a moment, bracing for the impact of his daughter Walnut hugging him like she always did every night. But as he opened his eyes once more, the excitement in his mind subsided, and he stood there in silence. Almond let out a mild whimper in disappointment before checking the watch on his wrist; 3:45. A.M. Had he truly stayed up that late? The case had ended late in itself, but he must've let himself get carried away with midnight daydreaming on top of it all. Almond felt a pang of sorrow for her, who must've been lonely throughout the night all due to his carelessness.

Almond stepped into Walnut's room, whose bed was messily made with covers and sheets overturned and pillows scattered on the floor. As he gently picked her up, her eyes promptly opened to look at him, resulting in his gasp of shock.

"Finally, you're here! I couldn't sleep much anyway...."

"I thought you were asleep. You scared me."

"Sorry, Dad.."

Almond let out a quiet sigh and kissed his daughter's head, "Don't apologize," he said in a light, gentle voice, "It was my fault. I got caught up with a certain case...."

Walnut suddenly seemed less interested in her father and much more focused on the case in question, quickly jumping out of his arms and rustling through his coat pockets, hoping to find a case file or two. Almond gasped and tried to back away from her curiously, searching through the coat pockets himself to make sure Roguefort's calling card was still secure. He didn't want her to see any of it, and the thought of her doing so made him wince in embarrassment.

"Walnut, cut that out, right now!" He exclaimed nervously, grabbing her again by the shoulders and slowly setting her down on the bed.

"What? Why can't I see? I'm good with any cases, you know."

"Not every case is for someone your age to see. You know that," There was nothing inherently mature about this case, and the calling card that came with it, but it was still an excuse, a believable one at that.

Walnut let out a small sigh in disappointment, "I know, I know... but I bet I could still figure it out and solve it for us."

Almond lightly chuckled and patted Walnut on the head, who in response let out a low hiss that sounded more like an aggravated kitten than an actual threat, "It's still not fair...." She muttered.

"How about we both get some sleep? I bet you're tired after waiting for me to come home," Almond said, placing an arm around her in an attempt to comfort her, "I'll get you a case that you can work on, one that's more friendly... and in the meantime, I'll deal with my work."

"Fine, okay..." Walnut crossed her arms for a brief moment and turned away from her father before reaching out to hug him tightly. As she pulled away, she quickly flopped back down onto the bed, pulling the blankets up to her chest, finally able to get a good night's sleep with the safety of her dad.

"Goodnight, Walnut."


Almond smiled warmly and sat up from the bed before leaving the room only to go into his own. As he sat down on his mattress, he nearly collapsed, forgetting how comfortable it was and how much he wanted to sleep. Almond figured that he needed some rest anyhow and rechecked his wristwatch. 4:01. A.M. This was about average for Almond in terms of sleep, and so he laid down on the bed, far too tired to change out of his clothes. He figured that he would get the opportunity to change in the morning, as he would need to regardless.

Before falling asleep, Almond slid out Roguefort's calling card out of his front coat pocket and reread it one last time.

Hark upon my words, dearest Almond, for this calling card has been exclusively written just for you! At the time and place where the drinks are bubbly, sparkling, and shining just as bright as jewels is where we shall meet tomorrow at 6 A.M. precisely when the sun breaks through the horizon. You are expected to bring your most joyful suit, your most exquisite jewels! Drinks will be on me, no doubt, (what sort of host doesn't have the dignity and self-righteousness to have a bit of generosity, no?) All you will need to bring is you and your darling face. Don't disappoint!
-Signed, Phantom Bleu

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