Chapter Four

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Almond stepped inside of the house, returning to the previous comfort of his home. He and Roguefort had spent hardly over an hour together on their date, although he enjoyed it so thoroughly that it felt like barely a minute. As Almond unbuttoned his suit, placing it back into the closet to be ironed later on in the day, he felt his eyelids suddenly grow heavy as he realized just how little he had slept. He slipped out of the dress suit and pants, preparing them to be ironed later in the day as well, before pulling on a more suitable pair of pajamas. 

Walnut would have still been asleep by now, seeing as it was a weekend, and so there was no point going to her room to check what she was up to. Almond lay on the bed once more and found a soft smile that uncontrollably spread on his face as he thought of Roguefort being here with him. He was sure that it would most likely be a while until the two of them would be so close together, and for now Almond could only dream. And he most certainly did dream, as his eyes shut, finally letting him give into sleep.

It didn't last much longer, though. Soon after, Almond found himself waking up to yet another banging at his window. Something was rustling at it, and though the curtains hid the figure, not to mention that the sound at the window sounded far crasser than last time, Almond still assumed it was Lord Crumbles III, once again. His heart grew with excitement at the possibility of another calling card being delivered to him and shoved aside the curtains as he opened up the window.

Unexpectedly, Roguefort's feline companion was nowhere to be found, but they themselves were. Roguefort, caught against a bolt against the window sill, struggled so desperately to get out that they did not even notice Almond staring at them. 

Lo and behold, it was a calling card delivery, a non-professional one at that. Roguefort fiddled with the cape of their suit as it was caught at the bolt; in their mouth, they tightly held onto another calling card, decorated in the same way as the last, patterned with hearts and stars, though it was clear Roguefort would not be able to balance against the window for much longer, and would likely fall if they did manage to escape. 

"Got you, Bleu," Almond said, causing Roguefort to flinch in surprise, attempting to try to escape before Almond grabbed onto their arm. Roguefort flailed for a moment, hoping to be able to get away with the calling card delivery sneakily, without too much attention from Almond. However, as they looked down at the dangerous heights that reached from the window, they hissed in defeat and gave way to Almond's persistent grasp. 

"It appears the detective has caught me…." Roguefort muttered, trying to sound calm although they were thoroughly embarrassed at such a significant failure to escape. Almond did not respond and was focused on bringing Roguefort inside to safety before uttering a word.

"I saw the calling card," Almond finally said, as he managed to pull Roguefort inside, "Is that what this is about?"

Roguefort's face flushed red in embarrassment, "Ah, that was the plan, yes… but I failed to deliver it without your hearing, not to mention my crass attempt at an escape. I had hoped you were asleep."

"I was, Roguefort. But you woke me up."

"Was I so sloppy?" Roguefort trailed off, looking down, ashamed of themselves. Almond had never considered Roguefort's state of mind very much, and it was likely they were just as sleep-deprived as he was. That would explain why so many of their schemes seemed like ridiculous impulse designs so much of the time, and today was no exception… Almond considered offering them a coffee break for when they needed it.

"No, you weren't," Almond lied, unable to make them feel any more disappointed with themselves, "I'm just a light sleeper." 

"I see… How could I be surprised? A good detective always has to be alert!" Roguefort exclaimed, which Almond had admittedly never even considered, but nodded in agreement regardless. 

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