Chapter Five

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Almond awoke only to be startled by the loud, shrill fits of noise that erupted from the kitchen. Almond turned to his right at the bed, wincing at what he had hoped he wouldn't see. The mattress was barren, except for him, and he knew this had to have meant that the loud ordeal in the kitchen must have been caused by whatever Roguefort had been scheming. 

With a hesitant growl of frustration, Almond sat up from his bed to head to the kitchen. Although he truly hoped that the happiness the two both shared earlier in the day would rid off any urges of Roguefort's crimes, Almond's job was a job, and if he had to step in to stop any thievery, then he would rightfully follow his duty to do so.

Pressing his back against the wall, Almond could hear the kitchen and be entirely convinced that he could hear the distinctive, although endearing accent of Roguefort's voice. With a heavy sigh, Almond accepted that the date they shared might've been the last they ever would have, and ran into the kitchen, with handcuffs ready to stop anything that Roguefort would throw his way in the bitter name of crime.

"Why, Almond! So charmed so see you! I was hoping you'd wake up on your own anyhow; you didn't seem too fond of being woken up when I tried,"

"Roguefort! You...huh?" Almond quickly spun around the room, shocked to find out that Roguefort had no malicious intentions after all. In fact, on the dining table were several plates of a very rich-looking breakfast, accompanied by a very hungry Walnut, who stuffed pancakes in her mouth carelessly, not even thinking to look up at Almond. 

"Your eyes do not deceive you, Almond… I hope you're hungry. I made enough breakfast for all three of us… and then some!" Roguefort looked extremely pleased with their work, hoping Almond would be pleased as well. 

Almond, in turn, was only confused. He had a significant appreciation for Roguefort's meal, and yet-- Almond found himself disappointed that his suspicions had only led him astray. Not once had he been wrong about being betrayed by a criminal of sorts, but here Roguefort was-- making pancakes for Walnut, and feeding Constable Whiskers, all out of the goodness of their heart. Never before had another cookie treated Almond with such kindness like this… Still, Almond knew that no one could be trusted so easily, and kept a keen eye on Roguefort, even if they had proven themselves innocent up until this point.

"Almond… is everything alright?" Roguefort placed a hand on Almond's shoulder, cutting him away from his overbearing thoughts. Roguefort grazed his shoulder softly, hoping to relax Almond, who was tense and frigid in stress.

"I'm alright. I could use a coffee, is all," Turning away from Roguefort, Almond began to walk towards the coffee machine that was once littered with stained cups and coffee spills that accompanied it and realized Roguefort must've cleaned it while he was asleep. Even while trying to empty his mind, Almond could only feel himself asking more questions. Why would Roguefort behave so kindly? Even if they were dating, Almond would never have expected so much from one person. 

Roguefort wrapped their arms around Almond's chest, pulling him into a gentle hug. Almond could feel his face redden with blush in only a moment, as a portion of his tension melted away, replaced by his growing sheepishness. Knowing that Walnut was thoroughly distracted with making it her personal goal to finish just about every pancake on the plates, Roguefort was sure she paid no mind to the two, and so Roguefort dotted kisses across Almond's neck, as his face flushed deeper shades of red with each touch. Their aim was to relax Almond's tensed-up muscles with so much affection-- and it seemed to work, as his eyes fluttered and closed, and his distress seemed to soften. 

"I love you, Almond," Roguefort whispered, pulling away from Almond's neck to speak, "And I love being here. We're like a wonderful little family… so trust me."

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