Chapter 2

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Castiel set the overflowing basket of apples down on the kitchen counter and wiped the sweat from his forehead. He washed his hands and downed two full glasses of water. He enjoyed being outdoors normally but it was ridiculously hot out today and the bees had been swarming the apple tree so he'd gotten stung a number of times during the picking process as well. He was used to it, unfortunately.

He washed off one of the juicier looking apples and took a bite out of it and the sweetness filled his mouth, making all the labor seem worthwhile.

He'd done the laundry, washed the dishes, mopped the floors, cleaned the fireplace, and now he was trying to decide what to make with the apples when Naomi, Bella, and Anna came bursting in the front door calling his name.

"Cast-Oh," Naomi said, when she entered the kitchen and saw him.

"Successful trip I take it," he said, continuing to clean off the apples.

She narrowed her eyebrows for a moment, looking confused.

"Oh, that," she said, waving her hand in dismissal. "Yes, it was, but we have more important things to worry about." Her tone was serious but she was smiling at the same time.

"Okay," Castiel said, mirroring her earlier confusion.

"The King has announced that there is going to be a Ball. The Prince is to choose his bride." She was practically squealing.

"Oh," Castiel deadpanned. That mattered little to him.

"Do you realize what this means for us, Castiel?" Naomi said. "One of your sisters could marry the Prince. We would be set for life. Can you imagine?"

Castiel really couldn't. Especially not Bella. Good God, unless the Prince was drunk off his ass there was no way he'd choose to marry Bella. And he knew that was who Naomi was pushing for. Bella was her favorite after all. And the eldest.

"I'm sure it will be lovely," he said, turning back to his task, feigning disinterest.

Truthfully he'd love an opportunity to go to a Ball. Especially at the palace. He loved dancing, he loved music, and honestly he'd love to get a chance to meet the Princes. He'd heard stories of how kind they were, and handsome too. Prince Dean, and Prince Samuel.

"Well?" Naomi said, crossing her arms over her chest and giving him the stink eye.

"Well, what?" Castiel asked.

"My daughter's need new dresses to wear to the Ball, Castiel. Something no one has ever seen before. Something that will wow the Prince."

Castiel sighed. Great. Thanks to this Ball that he didn't even get to go to he was now going to be spending the next several days designing and sewing two dresses on top of all the other chores his step mother would undoubtedly make him do.

The baking would have to wait.


Sam sighed as he placed the golden crown on his brother's head and looked him in the eyes.

"You don't have to do this, you know."

"Yes, I do," Dean said stoically.

"Dean . . ."

"I'll go to the Ball, Sam. I'll make Dad happy. I'll do my best to find someone. Maybe it'll work."

"Dean, you know it won't," Sam argued gently. "I wish you would just tell him."

Dean looked down. "I can't."

"What about your happiness, Dean?"

Dean shook his head. "It doesn't matter. I'm the future King. The only thing that matters is the Kingdom's happiness. I have to give them what they want."

"And how can a kingdom be happy when its king is miserable?" Sam said.

"Sam, please," Dean begged, trying to hold in his tears. "Just help me make it through tonight. I don't want to talk about this anymore."

Sam frowned and nodded. He squeezed his brother's shoulder and they headed down to the Ballroom together to await their guests.


"You want me to come?" Castiel asked in astonishment.

"Well, of course," Naomi said. "But don't get excited, Castiel. We need someone to drive the carriage, that's all. We can't very well be expected to do it ourselves tonight. You'll need to dress better than that, though." She looked him over in his stained shirt and dirty trousers.

"I don't have anything else," he said, looking down at himself.

Naomi sighed. "I have something," she said. She went upstairs and came back down a moment later with a navy blue waist coat with gold buttons down the front and black trousers with a matching gold stripe down the side of each leg. She handed them to Castiel.

He swallowed. "These were my fathers," he said, taking them into his arms as he would a baby and holding them close to himself.

"Yes, well, off you go," Naomi said, waving him away. "Hurry up, now. We don't want to be late."

And Castiel thought he might have seen her eyes tearing up just a little as he walked away. Maybe there were a few things of his fathers she wouldn't get rid of.

"What do you think?" he asked Bear as he looked at himself in the mirror minutes later. He couldn't help smiling a little. The jacket and pants were both a little big but nothing too noticeable. They were a sight better than his previous attire, for sure.

He felt odd in them though. He wasn't used to dressing up. In fact, he couldn't remember that last time he'd done it. Still he couldn't deny that the blue looked good on him and made his eyes stand out. Not that anyone would notice. He wasn't even going to be leaving the carriage after all.

Still, at least it was an opportunity to get out of the house and see the palace up close. Maybe if he was lucky he'd at least get to hear the music from inside and he could pretend he was dancing along.

Bear barked at him and wagged his tail, signifying his approval.

"Thanks," Castiel said, and leaned down to pat him on the head. "Be good."

He helped all three women into the carriage, Anna giving him a small smile before he took a seat in the front and grabbed the reigns, and they were on their way to the Ball.

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