Chapter 5

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Dean smiled when he saw Castiel waiting for him by the lake. He tied up his horse next to what he assumed was the other boy's and dismounted. Castiel sat on a blanket, one knee up, his arm draped across it, the other knee bent, his leg resting on the ground. He stared at the water in front of him, completely oblivious to Dean's arrival. Dean was struck by just how dark his hair was now that he could see it in the daylight. Almost black, and incredibly thick, and adorably tousled. And Dean couldn't help but wonder what it would feel like to run his fingers through it.

He cleared his throat and Castiel turned to face him and he felt a shiver go up his spine when he saw that smile once again.

"Good afternoon," Castiel said.

And Dean felt his knees going week at the sound of that sexy voice. God he was in so much trouble. This was a horrible idea. And yet, he found himself sitting down and smiling back, and even winked at Castiel, and it was one hundred percent worth it to see Castiel blush brightly.

"You brought food," Castiel said, noticing the basket in Dean's hand.

"It seemed only fair, since I asked you to meet me at lunch time," Dean said, opening the basket. He pulled out bread, apples, and some drumsticks that he'd stolen from the palace kitchen.

"It looks delicious," Castiel said. "I love apples."

"Oh?" Dean said.

Castiel nodded. "We have a tree in our yard that my father planted years ago. I pick the apples off of it and bake with them every year."

"You bake?" Dean said, his ears perking up at that.

Cas nodded again, taking a bite of his apple.

"I don't suppose you make apple pies?" Dean said.

"Of course," Cas said. "All the time."

Dean thought he might be in love with this boy already.

"You like pie?" Castiel said, noticing the way Dean's eyes lit up.

"Are you kidding? It's like heaven on a fork."

Castiel laughed. "Well, I'll have to make some for you some time."

"I'd like that," Dean said.

They ate, and talked and laughed. Castiel couldn't help but notice just how much the other man seemed to enjoy his food. He took very large bites and reminded him of a squirrel with his cheeks full of nuts, but he found it strangely endearing.

He also noticed just how vividly green his eyes were, and how the sun cast a light on the dozens of freckles splotched across his nose and cheeks. Castiel couldn't help but wish he could press his lips to each and every one of them.

"What?" Dean asked, and Castiel realized he'd been staring.

He blushed. "Oh, nothing," he said. "It's just . . . you're very handsome, David."

And Dean froze, and his face paled. Shit. Castiel still didn't know who he was. Now would be an excellent time to tell him, but . . . he didn't want to. He was enjoying being David. Being a commoner. Being normal. He didn't want Castiel acting differently around him, treating him differently because he was a Prince. And as David, he was free to be gay. But as Dean . . . as soon as he dawned that title again the worry and the responsibility came rushing back. And he just couldn't tell Castiel who he was. Not yet.

"Oh, God," Castiel said when he noticed the look on Dean's face. "I'm sorry. Was I too forward? I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. Please forgive me."

"No," Dean said, coming back to reality when he realized how his reaction to Castiel's statement must have come across. "No, Cas, you're fine." He smiled and reached over, taking Castiel's hand in his.

"I'm sorry," he said, stroking Castiel's hand with his thumb. "I guess I'm just new to all of this. But it's a good feeling. I like it. And I like you."

Castiel smiled, and he found that he really couldn't think straight with the other man's thumb stroking his skin so gently. And David didn't stop.

And he swallowed when David's green eyes met his and he found himself staring into them for longer than he was sure was socially acceptable. But David, David wasn't looking away either.

"You're very handsome too, Cas," Dean said.

Cas. Cas. That was the second time he'd heard David call him that, and he liked it.

"Thank you, David," he said, smiling broadly. And his face flushed bright red when David leaned forward and planted a kiss on his cheek, and he thought for sure his heart had stopped.

"Can we do this again?" Dean asked. "I'd like to get to know you better, Castiel."

"Me, too," Castiel said, squeezing David's hand that was still holding his.

Dean grinned. "Is tomorrow too soon?"

"Not at all."

And they met again the next day, and the next day, and the day after that. They had picnics, and went for rides through the countryside, and Castiel even convinced Dean to embrace his inner child and climb trees one afternoon.

And they continued to flirt shamelessly. Dean told Castiel as he looked into his eyes that blue was now his new favorite color, which of course had Castiel's cheeks turning pink. Although he was pretty sure that was the goal. Still he repaid it by complimenting the other man's freckles and watching him squirm.

Castiel brought Bear with him on a few of their outings and while David seemed unsure around him at first he quickly warmed up to the animal and was scratching behind his ears and rubbing his belly in no time, and Bear seemed to take to him just as well, which Castiel was extremely thankful for.

"He likes you," Castiel said one afternoon as they sat under a large oak tree with the dog nestled between them, enjoying the attention he was getting from both men.

Dean stroked the dog's back affectionately. "We're not allowed to have pets in the palace," he said softly. "The King says they are unsanitary and impractical. Although I never thought pets were supposed to be practical."

Castiel snorted in agreement. "You're not practical at all, are you, Bear?" he said, patting the dog's belly, and the dog stuck out his tongue, and rolled over even more. "But you sure are fun."

Dean grinned, and then sighed, resting his head back against the tree and closing his eyes. He still had that nagging feeling in his gut that he needed to tell Castiel the truth about who he was, but he couldn't do it. And the longer he waited the harder it got. But he was running out of time. It was only a week now until his birthday. Until his coronation, and he still hadn't chosen a bride. And if he didn't, his father would choose for him.

But he didn't want a bride. He wanted Castiel.

"David?" he heard the deep voice next to him, dragging him out of his thoughts, and he wondered briefly what it would be like to hear that voice say his real name.

"Are you okay?" Castiel asked, his head cocked to the side, his brows furrowed in concern.

Dean managed a slight smile. "I'm fine," he said, and even winked at him.

Castiel grinned back and they sat in silence for a moment longer before he told David about Bartholomew and how his step mother was trying to marry him off to the creep. And he noticed David stiffen considerably and assured him that that was not going to happen.

And it was only after that that he realized just how much he didn't want that to happen, not just because he completely despised Bartholomew, but because he finally knew what he did want. And it was right next to him. And it had sun kissed freckles and green eyes.

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