Strawberry Fields Forever(roger)

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You and Roger are in your bedroom, lying with your heads at the foot of the bed. The rooms dark except for the dim lamp on one of the bedside tables.

Roger turns on the record player and puts on Strawberry Fields Forever, one of you favourite song from The beatles and lays down again, resting his head on your chest, while you play with his hair.

He half heartedly tries to pull the duvet up over you both, struggling as he doesn't want to move. He gets it up after a while of struggling and you laugh at him and he beams back at you, like he always does when you laugh.

He leans up and kisses you, and moves so his head is lying in the space between your shoulder and head.

"I love you." He whispers, before drifting off to sleep.
"I love you too." You say, joining him in his sleep.

An: this is inspired by rogertaylorsnecklace (love u)
I fell outta the feel for writing so I'm trying to get it back with this (it's working so far)

Freddies going to be platonic bc I don't feel comfortable writing about him romantically and i don't know where to start with doing a non fem fic or imagine, sorry <3.

The rest will be a mix of both.

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