rough day(john)

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<writing In first person>

I had recieved a phone call from freddie while I was at work today, informing me that John had been having a rough day at the studio and needs cheering up, something to do with how he missed his dad and i knew what I had to do. I called his mum and asked her to watch the kids for the night and told her ill give her money to take them away for the day tomorrow. She gladly accepted my proposition, knowing that John gets bad days about his late father.  After I got off the call, I told my boss that I was feeling dizzy and didn't want want take any risks as I am pregnant and I had to go home and drove home, parking my car in the driveway of the house we had both worked our asses off to buy.

When I got inside, I placed the shopping bag down on the counter as I stopped at a little corner shop that sold his favourite little cakes. I place the steam pot with potatoes on the stove followed by the stew (shut up stew is lovely when you make it right and not on a slow cooker but not with stewing meat like use mince and its ten times nicer)
While that was cooking, I lit the open fire in the sitting room and lit a few candles around the room aswell. I head upstairs, after checking the food, and pull all the curtains shut upstairs to keep in the heat, before taking off my makeup and changing into one of John's baggy tshirts and a pair of shorts, putting my hair into a messy bun above my head. I head downstairs and stir the stew, adding the gravy granules until it's nice and thick and letting it simmer. The foods nearly ready so I head back upstairs and grab the quilt cover off our bed and the pillows taking them to the living room and pulling out the sofa bed, setting up the pillows, adding some of the throw pillows from the sofa on and putting the quilt cover on. I go back to the kitchen and take the food off the stove and dish them out just as John comes home, not announcing he's home like he does every other night and I know he's having a pretty rough day. I hear him walk up behind me and he wraps his arms around my wait, resting his hands on my small baby bump as he kisses my neck and I can feel him smiling a bit.
"Where's our other two?"  He asks, spinning me around.
"I  asked your mum to take them till tomorrow evening." I say, before kissing him.
"So, what do you have planned for me?" He says, resting his forehead against mine.
"Well, you are going to go put on pyjamas, I'm going to give you your dinner and we are going to have a nice cosy night In."
"No sex?"
"We have all day tomorrow for that, love, now go get changed." I say, kissing him again and pushing him off of me and he walks upstairs. I plate out the food, pouring out 2 glasses of 7up and heading to the living room, where John is already sitting under the quilt with his shirt off. I hand him his glass and bowl and sit down beside him.
"Why did you do this?" He asks me in a curious tone.
"Freddie called me and said you had a bad day and he thought it might be to do with your dad's anniversary next week, and I wanted to do something nice for you, plus we never get much alone time and now with the baby coming, we'll not get much time alone then for a few months at least, and I just wanted you to know that people care about you."
"This is why I married you, but you are far too good for me, you shouldn't of went out of your way to do something nice for me, you know."
"I know, I wanted to." I say, finishing my food and he does the same. I take our bowls to the kitchen and turn off all the lights as I lay down beside him.
"I do miss him, I hate that he'll never meet our little ones, you know, he would have loved them to pieces." He says, resting his head on my chest.
"I know love, from what you've said, he seemed like he was lovely." I say, as he rests his hand on my bump, smiling to himself.
"And then Brian was trying to get more guitar on Back Chat  and we ended up fighting and I hate arguing with people. The bloody song is about him why does he want to play more on it is all I'm wondering." He complains to me and I run my fingers through his short hair that he's growing out to get permed. " I'm sorry for complaining, my love."
"It's alright, I could listen to you talking all day." I say, because it's true. His voice is calming to me, it could coax me into a baby like sleep if he talked enough, like it had several times before.  He looks up at me and kisses me, telling me he's going to sleep now.
"I love you." I tell him and he says it back, not bothering to argue that he loves me more like he does most nights as he's too tired and has already fallen asleep on my chest. I follow him, sleeping perfectly peacefully the whole night through.

Idk I just read 3 hours of deaky fluff and I forgot I had this

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2021 ⏰

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