cheesy deaky(john)

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It's about 11pm and you and John are binging The Brady Bunch  on the vhs tape set your friend bought you. You didn't think you'd like it, but she did so decided to watch it with John. You are both lying on the sofa, cuddling up to eachother. John lit the open fire and it was nice and cosy. Neither of you were paying much attention to the telly, telling eachother shitty jokes that you both found hilarious for no reason.

You never really got time to just sit around with him, but he just got off tour so he wasn't busy for the next few months. He's basically lying on top of you now, half of his body on top of you so he could look at you easier. You don't mind at all, the little bit of weight he's leaning on you is something you find comforting.

Soon enough the jokes turn into cheesy pick up lines.
"I have one." You say, proud if yourself for thinking of it.
"Lemme hear it." John says, chuckling a bit.
"My names not Brian, but I May be the one for you." You say, holding back laughter until you finish and the two of you burst out laughing.
"I'm telling him that tomorrow. God he'll either laugh or cry." John says, smiling so you can see the little gap between his teeth."my turn now love." He says, fixing back a strand of hair that made its way on to your face.
"Go on then "
"See the gaps between your fingers?"
"Well, they were made just for my fingers." He says giggling a bit.
"God thats, cheesy, but I love you so I'll let it be." The second you hear back what you say you panic a bit.
"We've never said that before." John says, smiling a little but his face is more serious.
"I know, I uh, shouldn't of-" you begin to say and John cuts you off with a kiss.
"I love you too." He says as he pulls away, smiling. You kiss him again, this time more passionately until it ends up in the two of you undressing eachother.

"You alright, love?" He asks you as he pulls you on to his chest.
"Yeah, just hungry."
"The Chinese place is open all night if you want to get a delivery." He says, playing with your hair at the nape of your neck.
"God, you know me too well. I'll call down for it."
"I'll call down love, and I'm paying, no arguments." He says and you sit up for him to get up and put on a pair of jogging bottoms. He walks to the hall and calls the cafe on the house phone. You go to the bedroom and put on one of his tshirts and a pair of shorts. You head back to the living room where John is laying on the sofa with his arms open for you to lay down on his chest and you happily oblige. You sit laughing at the trail of hickeys you left down his chest for five minutes until the door bell rings and you get up and answer it. You get the food and pay and head back back the living room and set out tye food. You both  eat it and head to bed soon after.

"I love you." John whispers into the back of your neck and kisses you there.
"I love you more."
"No you don't, now sleep, it's late love." He says, and pulls you even closer to him.

I have 2 parts in the works and this is My favourite out of the three I've been working on.

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