Rain must fall (John)

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You and your best friend since you were a child, John, are sitting in the woods like you do every evening. You just walked around for a while and found a place to sit by the river, a little rock embankment  on the side.

John's tossing stones into the river and you're reading the book he got you for your birthday  a few days ago. You both never really talk when you come here, it's a way to de-stress, to escape from everything else.

All of a sudden, there is a crash of thunder and the rain starts. John starts laughing and grabs your hand and helps you climb up the ledge to the path. John follows, taking off his jacket and pulling you close to him and uses his jacket as an umbrella.

"Deaky, theres no point, we're already soaked." You say laughing and putting your arm around his waist.
"Fair point, love." He says, putting the jacket in the crook of his arm and placing his other arm around your shoulders. You walk for about five minutes and the rain gets heavier and there's a flash of lightning and another rumble of thunder, louder this time.
"Come on, we'll catch our deaths out here." John says, smiling and grabs your hand and starts running. You don't want to run and you voice this so he just picks you up and throws you over his shoulder like a bag of potatoes. You start hysterically laughing and wrap your arms around his waist so you don't fall. He refuses to put you down until you get to his car.
"I have a hoodie and some jogging bottoms in the boot, I'll get them and you can change in the back, ok love?" He says putting you down and smiles.
"What about you?" You ask him and he smiles again. He smiles alot.
"I have other stuff there aswell."
"Always prepared deaky."
"Not always, I just went shopping yesterday didn't bring half the stuff in."
"Come on, pass the clothes." You say jokingly and he hands you a bag. You don't know why you did what you did next but you did it anyway.

Instead of grabbing the bag he was holding out, you grab the collar of his navy blue shirt and kiss him. He drops the bag of clothes and kissed you back, putting one hand on the side of your face and the other around your waist. The kiss starts to get more passionate until some bastard shouts at you two to get a room. John pulls away smiling and all flustered which makes you smile. There's another lightning strike so John hurriedly opens the back door and you  climb in as he hands you the bag of clothes.
"I'll change after you, ok love?"
"Don't be so silly, nothing I haven't seen before." You say smirking.
"Alright then." He says and gets in the back seat aswell. You both get changed and just sit there awkwardly.
"I don't want to go home yet." You whine.
"Neither do I." He says smiling and leans into the front seats and turns on the radio. Neither of you recognise the song but you both don't care.
"It's a bit chilly, you know." You say crossing your arms.
"I know, here I have an idea." He says and reaches into the boot and pulls out a blanket.
"You really have everything back there don't you." You say laughing.
"Nope." He says and moves over beside you and puts the blanket over both of you. You throw your legs over his and rest back against the door. You can't stop looking at him and he can't stop looking at you, both of you smiling like fools for about five minutes.
"Can I ki-" He begins to ask you but you cut him off kissing him. You're in a sort of uncomfortable position so you pull away and sit on his lap and kiss him again.

To say the least, the car got a little bouncy soon after.


An: great ending I know, give me some ideas also I might use ones I come up with myself in other fics I write.

Choose your own era, and tell me if you want 1st or 3rd person for the rest :).


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