The Water Flowers Of Cerulean City:

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They just got into Cerulean City, though Misty seemed a bit on edge about it, Ash knew something was up, but he didn't get in her buisness about it. The both of them then saw a huge crowd gathered around an area.

"The police..? What happened?" Ash asked himself. The both of them then went to the front of the crowd to ask what was going on. "Excuse me, what happened here?"

"Some burglers broke into the store cabinet."

"Burglers huh?" Ash said, curiously looking towards the clouds up in the sky.

"What do you know about burglers?" Officer Jenny curiously said out of nowhere. "You two look very suspicious to me."

"Huh? We just got into town and saw the crowd and came over to see what was going on!"

"The criminal always returns to the scene of the crime!" Officer Jenny said, still finding them suspicious.

"We're not-"

"This might help." Ash said as he pulled out his pokedex to get his ID to clear things up, and Brock also took out one of the spare badges he had on him,

"Well, that's evidence enough for me, i'm sorry I was suspicious!" She apologises sincerely.

"Um, miss, I was wondering-" Brock started before neing cut off.

"Don't even finish that sentance Brock." Ash said, confusing the officer. "Also, what did they steal anyways?"

"Well, that's the strange thing," The officer stated. "They didn't take any money, just a massive vacume and a giant hose."

"What the hell would anyone want that for?" Brock asked confused.

"Well I sure don't know, but what I do know is that I don' have time to play guessing games with you because i've got a job to do and it't time for you two to move along, come on lets go." She said, whilst pushing the two boys away from the scene then also getting the huge crowd away from the scene.

"Well I guess we should get to the gym then." Ash said whilst starting to walk in the gyms direction.

"Well as much as i'd love to come with you, I have some things to check out so i'll see you later." Brock said, sharply turning the corner.

"Alright." Ash said blankly whilst continuing the journey towards the gym in complete silence.

After a while, Ash and his partner, Pichu, found the gym. "So that's the Cerulean City Gym that Misty's so afraid of." Ash said in mockery seeing the sight of the small gym.

Ash slowly made his way through the doors and was met with the sight of a huge pool along with an even bigger audience. He tried to endure  the show for as long as he could, but all of the noise gave him a huge headache making it hard for him to focus, so he quickly ran out of the room and waited for the three gym leaders to walk out of the door. At the time that Ash walked out of the room, the show was already about half way finished, so he wouldn't have to wait too long.

After a while, Ash went down to the little aquarium below to clear his mind, before seeing the 3 gym leaders who he's already heard about. He paused for a second before going upto the 'Sensational Sisters' and talking to them.

"Um, excuse me?" Ash said politely. "I was wondering if-"

"I'm sorry, but if you want an interveiw then you have to like, call our manager." The pink-haired girl said.

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