The Path To The Pokémon Leauge!

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With 2 pokémon badges into his case our hero Ash wanders hopefully along the path to Vermilion City. By now Ash has 7 Pokémon, all, due to training, being in middle or fully evolved stages.

They all kept walking along the path until meeting their eyes to a sign that says 'AJ's GYM UNDEFEATED'
'Note: Gym not sanctioned in the Pokémon Leauge.'

They all looked up at the sign before seeing someone beside them, who happened to be the leader of the gym.

"Are you my next victim?" AJ asked confidently.

"You must be AJ, my names Ash. Nice to meet you." Ash said sticking his hand out for a handshake, to whick he took. He then took all three of them into the gym, which, for an unofficial gym, was actually quite nice.

"So which pokémon are you gonna choose for my ninety-ninth win?" AJ asked confidently walking up the steps, though he didn't reply and made his way over to the other side of the battlefeild. "This is a 2v2 match, so choose you pokémon carefully."

"Alright, let's get started then, Sandshrew Go!" AJ called out whilst chucking out a pokéball.

"A Sandshrew huh?" Ash said before taking out a pokéball and throwing it. "Fearow, I Choose You!"

"Sandshrew Go!" AJ called out, whiping the floor.

"Fearow, Drill Peck!" Ash commanded, it was super effetive, and considering the level of Ash's Fearow, it was even stronger.

The sandshrew then tried to shake it off and despite the pain, kept battling and rolled up into a ball and tackled the Fearow from up in the air and damaged one of it's wings. Ash, despite konwing he could win with Fearow, switched him out for a different Pokémon.

"Alright then, Pidgeotto, I choose you!" Ash said,throwing the pokéball as a shiny Pidgeotto came out.

"Alright then, use Gust!" Ash shouted to his Pidgeotto, to which he obeyed. "Now use Air Slash and finish this!"

Pidgeotto swiftly got higher up in the air and started repeatedly flapping his wings to which loads of slashes came out and took down the Sandshrew, indeed, finishing the match.

"Wow, this is the closest anyone's ever been to defeating me, it looks like i've actually got a challenge this time, eh?" AJ ashed rhetorically. "Anyways enough yappin' Go, Butterfree!"

"Use Quick Attack and Wing attack at the same time!" Ash called out. Pidgeotto then began to glow with a coulor of white surrounding him as he proceeded to do the moves Ash told him to do, severely damaging the butterfree.

"Alright Butterfree, Use harden then use Poison Powder!" AJ said, before swiftly being knocked out by another Air Slash, giving him 98 wins and 1 loss.

"I-I can't belive it.." AJ said, stunned, "I.. actually lost.."

"Well no matter, Well done, Ash." AJ said, smiling. "How about we go inside and I show you my pokémon?"

They all went into his place where he kept his Pokémon and saw all of their training, and it looked kind of tough. Misty and Brock looked at all of the Pokémon worried, though Brock stopped his worry noticing how good shape each and every one of his Pokémon were in.

They all then turned to AJ's Sandshrew who was repeatedly diving in the pool, training against water type moves.

"Is that healthy for Sandshrew to keep diving in like that..?" Misty asked worried.

"Actually, it dosen't affect him, i've been trainin' with him ever since day one. I know when he's reached his limit." AJ replied smiling to his Sandshrew.

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