Pokemon - I Choose You!

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A young boy named Ash Ketchum was was watching A Pokemon battle - A Nidorino VS A Gengar.


There it is! Nidorino's Horn Attack! But Gengar dodges it marvelously! And behold! Gengar's Hypnosis! This doesen't look good for Nidorino. He fell asleep! And without any hesitation, Nidorino is recalled! Which one will he send out next? It's Onix! And Onix uses his huge body for Tackle Attack!

And there you have it! Gengar dodges! Gengar is moving nicely today!

"I will prove to the Towns Of Pallet that even a person like me CAN become A Pokemon Master!" Ash said confidently. "Children from the age of 10 can get their Pokemon licence! And I'm ten now! Tomorrow's the day I can finally leave..."

Wondering why he said that last bit? Because he's exited? Well... Not really.. but Yes too. Here is his past..

(They have a school now.)

"Hi my names A-" Ash was cut off by a girl saying "Go away Freak!" After the girl said that everyone started to laugh... except one boy. Gary Oak. He was sitting there sadly not wanting to join in because he knew it was wrong. Soon when Ash became his friend they also started to bully him. Gary was then sick of it and broke their friendship. Which caused slight depression but social anxiety which he already had but it got worse but it still wasn't bad, and trust issues between people. Gary was Ash's only friend and even if he did trust the person, he still wouldn't befriend them because he was scared to loose them or he didn't want them to be bullied too. This was like all of his years of school. But he became the professors student / assistant because this gave him more time to study and the professors special was Pokemon which also was Ash's special. So they agreed to when he became a Pokemon trainer he would try to catch more Pokemon for his to research. The Professor also gave his his special recipes but Ash didn't want to use the exact thing so he changed it mans make it better. This also made most of the bullies go away accept Damian, Gary and Erin.

Then when Ash got home one day he saw his mother, Delia drunk and crazy. She was waiting at the door shouting "ASH *hic* GET YOUR BUTT HERE THIS *hic* INSTANT!"

Ash was confused but he thought maybe something happened that he wasn't aware of. I mean obviously something happened that he wasn't aware of because he didn't know why she was shouting as she was never mad before.

"What is it?" Ash asked politely but when he saw his mother's state he wouldn't think that she was drunk straight away so he asked worriedly "WHATS WRONG!?"  Delia then smacked him and grounded him without a reason. This went on and on for years until.. She died. But luckily he wouldn't be placed into his fathers hands (Giovanni). Because his birthday as the next day so there wasn't really a point because well.. he wouldn't be home for a while. So he was relived that the abuse didn't go on. But that was about it. And I know because his mother was not there anymore he wouldn't have to go through it but it still would bring back unwanted memories.

                                                            (End of his past)

It was now 6:36 in the morning. Ash was practicing his Aura & Psychic powers for needed situations.

He did that for about 24 minutes until he had to go to get his Pokemon.

Ash saw his 3 bullies there to get their Pokemon. But he just ignored them and went alowng waiting for his turn.... But he then realised that there was already 3 people there and they were already in line before him.

Damian chose Charmander, Erin chose Bulbasaur and Gary chose Squirtle.

But then his name got called up and there was a pokeball with a bolt on the red part. Then a small shiny Pichu came out of it and nuzzled his face. Then Oak came back into the room smiling with 6 Pokemon eggs

"You have helped me for the last couple of years, this is part of how I will repay you and give 2 to people who deserve it and you trust." Oak explained while ash was almost speechless but managed to say "Really?.." The Professor just smiled and gave him the eggs with some incubators to put in his bag. There reactions were priceless when they saw him come out and saw him with a shiny Pichu and 5 eggs.

Gary spat out his water and landed on his ass while the water went on Damians hair and he fell over on to Erin, Ash was using all of his will and power to stop his laughter from getting out. It failed miserably fe fell over crying and he couldn't get up.

"Shut it Ashy." Gary said annoyed.

"Fine fine.." Ash said finally getting up.

They were now leaving the lab. The 3 trainers were obviously jealous but they shook it off.

Ash and his first Pokemon, Pichu was walking up the hill to Route 1. This is where the journey begins...

Ash and Pichu was talking but then.. They were attacked by a group of Spearow.

<Get out! Your on our territory!> A spearow said while still attacking Ash.

"I'm sorry we were just on our way to Vermilion City." Aah said back.

<Oh were sorry. A trainer with brown spiky hair came here and tried to steal our territory.> 

"You must be talking about Gary..." Ash explained.

<You know hi-... Wait this human can understand us?> This then left all of them realising that too.

*Explained how he was bullied and Gary used to be his friend and his Aura.*

The spearow surprisingly felt sympathy for Ash and wanted to help. The leader then Asked to join him which left all of the spearow & Ash shocked.

<Who will lead us!?>

<You will. You have shown great strength and help to our fellow spearow you I'll be a great leader...> 

<Thank you good bye!!!> The spearow was very grateful and happy that he chosen him for this position.

With that Ash captured the Spearow and continued his journey to Virmilion City. Then he saw an unfamiliar Pokemon to him up in the sky and it flew down to him.

<Hello Chosen One.>

"Who are you!?" Ash asked shocked.

<I am the Legendary Pokemon Ho-Oh and I have seen your power I came to give you these give them to whoever you wish.>

Ho-Oh gave Ash 7 rainbow wings   (Honestly a random number).

"Thank you" Ash thanked as Ho-Oh flew away. "You think we'll see Ho-Oh again buddy?" 

Pichu just nodded. They now continued their journey to Vermilion City. 

To be continued

This is inspired by @YoungHopesProductions there will be some similar things and I will do all the way to Galar. (Yes he will have a full adventure in Galar.

It will be all shiny Pokemon for Ash. And a couple more thing that is similar because I don't want it to look like I just copied theirs but no spoilers now go read theirs if anyone's reading mine.

I just wanted to say before I would forget. ✌🏻 Bye!

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