Showdown In Pewter City

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Hello, I'm alive, bet yer disappointed but I was updating different stories too I'm sorry, enjoy!

"Finally we're here!" Misty said exhausted. "I thought we were going to be there forever!"

"Don't be so dramatic." Ash said going to sit on a rock.

"I'm not being dramatic!" Misty shouted.

"The names Flint, and some of you are sitting on some of my merchandise." Flint said.

"Ah, Sorry." Ash apologised. "We didn't know."

"It's fine but some of your Pokemon may be worn out, especially that Pichu. Why don't you all follow me? I'll show you to the Pokemon Center." Flint offered.

"Thank you." Ash said.

"By the way, that's a 2 dollar charge for resting on my rocks." Flint ran back.

"That's fine." Ash replied.

"Follow me." Flint said.

They arrive at the Pokémon centre:

"Hello welcome to the Pokémon of Pewter City, how May I help you?" Nurse Joy asked happily.

"Could you give our Pokémon a check up please?" Ash said.

"Of course right away!" Nurse Joy said happily.

"Thank you !" Ash said going to call his friend, Trip.

"Hey Trip!" Ash said exited to see his friend again.

"Hey Ash!" Trip said. "Didn't think you'd be able to call me again so soon!" 

"Yeah.." Ash said.

After the conversation.

"Ash! Its lunch! Come to the cafeteria!" Misty whined hungrily.

"Coming! Sorry Trip I gotta go!" Ash said.

"'S fine, see ya later Ash!" Trip said, pressing the End Call Button,

"Bye!" Ash said just in time for it to not go off.

"Hey Misty!" Ash said happily.

"Hey Ash!" Misty replied.

After they ate:

Well we should get going." Ash said breaking the silence.

"Yeah, probably.." Misty replied.

They then walked out of the cafeteria and walked along to the Pewter City Gym.

"Well then, let's go in!" Ash said happily.

"Anyone here..?" Misty asked. "It might be shut..?"

"No there's someone here... I feel it.." Ash replied.

"So you already saw me then?" A voice said from the darkness.

"I guess.. you don't hide very well.." Ash said.

"Well, my names Brock, the pewter city gym leader." Brock answered.

"I'm Ash." Ash said.

"And I'm Misty!" Misty said happily pointing one thumb to her chest.

"Well, shall we start?" Ash asked.

"Oh Right!" Brock said walking onto the battlefield.

"This is a two-on-two battle, each trainer may use two Pokémon, the battle is over when either sides Pokemon are unable to battle, begin!" A referee said (what he said is purely from memory so it's probably not correct). 

"Geodude go!" Brock shouted.

"Pidgey come out!" Ash shouted as Misty sighed at his stupidity.

"You know that flying types are weak against rock types you know.?" Brock asked.

"I know, bit I have a little trick up my sleeve." Ash grinned looking up at the ceiling.

"Ok? Geodude use Gyro-Ball!" Brock shouted.

"Dodge and use Arial Ace on the Sprinkler!" Ash commanded.

Brock was shocked at his strategy, he knew what would happen right away, but it was the rules to send out your next Pokémon after one is knocked out. So Brock then sent out his Onix and failed to win miserably with Ash using only Wing Attack on him because he was already severely damaged.

"Well done Ash, I must say I wasn't expecting that kind of tactic, and here's the Boulder Badge!" Brock said happily giving him the badge.

"Thanks... Brock was it?" Ash thanked.

"I should thank you for giving me such a great battle, if I'm being honest,I haven't had as much fun for years!" Brock said.

"Well, I should get going now, thank you for the battle, hope to see you again soon!" Ash waved.

"Cya..." Brock said, debating wether or not he should ask to go with him.

Not very long after that, Brock went running out of his gym to Ash.

"WAIT!" Brock shouted.


"Ummm... c-could I come with you..?" Brock asked a little shy, he'd never done this before..

"No need to even ask Brock! But... what about your siblings..?" Ash asked, hesitant at the end.

"..." Brock fell silent, he'd always wanted to go on a full adventure, but he knew that he couldn't take all of his siblings there too...

"No need to worry about that." A voice said from behind.

"Hey Flint!" Ash said, he already knew he left his family, you could tell by the expression on his face even if he didn't have Aura..

"Hey Ash..." Flint was hesitant, but he knew this was right, he pulled down his beanie.

"D-dad...?!" Brock was shocked, he's seen him around loads, yet he never recognised him... "W-why did you leave..?"

"Well you see, Brock... It was just so much stress handling 10 children and an older one..." Flint explained. "I was planning on coming back but I didn't think you'd forgive me.."

"Well, since you're here..." Brock said. "You're staying here."

"I was planning on that anyways..." Flint said.

"Ok well——————" Brock started to give Flint a whole list of everything needed to take care of all the kids, he Neil it was evening. "Well, I better go now. Cya Dad!"

"Bye son, Ash, Weird girl!" Flint said as he bided farewell.

"Cya!" Both of the boys said.

"Hey! I'm not weird!" Misty said. "But goodbye."


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