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Tommy's pov

They followed me throughout the short trip, seemingly never questioning the cloak I wore. As I stood at the entrance the others seemed confused.
The sounds of redstone and pistons could be heard as I walked through the entrance my dazed husbands followed me. I smiled, and pointed to different places and explained them to the 5, piglins looked at us slightly weird but seemed to think nothing of it. As we made it to the castle, a guard stopped us.
"who are you? What are you doing here?"
I looked him up and down and rose a eyebrow. An older guard came over and forced the sword the piglins held down.
"I must apologise for my associate! Enter, enter-"
"but sir-"
"thank you, general, I will let mother know of your kindness."
I said, pulling down my hood as Micheal and shroud held my hands. The general bowed as I smiled, walking with my  husbands into the labyrinth of a castle. A maid took my cloak as my outfit was shown (above), my husbands looked shocked, the small detail I'd personally added such as tulips, alluim and space ships. Made them smile, however-
i chocked out a gasp as I was taken out by the waist. I wheeze and I sat up, looking down at the small piglet.
"geez, hey galiteya."
She squealed and hugged me as I chuckled standing up, I held her in my arms as he asked questions, listing from the over world to animals. My husbands looked confused but followed, my boys to fascinated by the architecture to notice. galiteya realised the other 5 following us and looked at me confused.
"Tommy, who are they?"
"those are my husbands, and they are my sons."
I saw some maids and butlers in the hall pause, looking at them before scurrying off, most likely informing the rumour Mill.
They said, pointing to the ones on my tusk and fingers.
"this pearl one is yes."
I said, proudly showing off the expensive ring, my platonic husbands continued to follow. Ranboo stood at his full height since, due to mum's height, the halls are huge. Tubbo had shroud as Micheal held my hand, purples wrapped his tail around ranboos as shroud fiddled with mine. All in all the walk was peaceful, till-
Two piglins ran through the hall as a magma cube hybrid followed them wheezing. Pertin ran into us- well more my wing I used to protect galiteya.
"stop running in the halls, dunder head."
He looked up sheepishly before paling and getting back up, not before getting tackled.
they looked up and saw us and blushed, getting off the other and dusting themselves down.
"hello, sorry for the interruption, my Prince."
flince slapped Pertin before standing, looking at my family over my shoulder.
"do we have guests?"
"my husbands and kids count as guests??"
I asked, generally unsure. We weren't gonna live here so-
"oh god. Husbands? Kids? Oh boy-"
Ranboo leaned forwards, curious, purpled moving and picking up Michael.
"dude, some fucker is trying to get your mum to write you a marriage contract-"
I stifled a laugh and looked at them, Pertin joined me as he snorted into his hand.
"this is serious!!"
"what they gonna do? Force me into a divorce?? Not. A. Chance."
I smiled as I put galiteya down as she ran after a maid, who was going the way to her room. As we continued to walk and talk, my husbands occasionally interjected to ask about portraits or decor.
"Tom's, what's that a painting of?"
Ranboo asked, we where right in front of the throne room and I smiled. Flince and Pertin looked at the painting and looked at my husbands weirdly.
"that's Tommy's old portrait? Haven't you seen it?"
Purpled looked at it in thought and smiled, wrapping a tail around Tommy.
"we should get a family portrait for the mansion!"
"hell yeah!"
Flince smiled, quickly going to find a painter, Pertin going the opposite direction to check for one as well.
"let go see mum!"
I smiled, pushing open the doors. The room was covered in golds and red, sapphires carved into the floor over glow stones, creating a night sky affect on the ceiling. At the end of the long path was a sofa type of throne, tinted in pinks and yellows, orange drapes fell from the ceiling.
She said, lifting a drape and smiling, running to me and hugging me as we met half way.
"awww~ how are you my Prince? Or should I say King?"
"shush, i wanted to show my family around, mumza."
I said, gesturing behind me to the others, she smiled at them and kneeled, ruffling the kids hairs.
She smiled, kissing their heads.
"aww, how are you, boys?"
She said to us all, we all answered with a variety of good.
"alright, let's see, what should we do-"
Pertin yelled dragging someone behind them. I laughed and walked over to them, helping them stand properly.
"hello, would you mind painting me and my family?"
The nodded and set up their supplys gesturing for us to sit, stand or crouch placed. I was sat in a chair next to mumza while purpled was sat in front of me with Micheal in his lap, shroud in mine, tubbo was between the chairs and ranboo was crouched behind me with his head on tubbos shoulder. As they began painting, sketching I smiled, they made quick work of the sketch, writing that it should be done by the end of today.
They left as we sat, talking to each other.
"flince told us about some sort of attempt of marriage contract?"
Mumza snorted, holding a hand over her mouth.
"oh, that. The strides king wanted to have the next ruler go into a marriage contract with his son. And I just went 'but all my sons are married?' but they keep insisting!"
We laughed at her exasperation and talked a bit longer, till suddenly the door opened. A man with pale red skin and grey wiskery facial hair followed by a young man who obviously had a stick up his arse.
"lady Kristen, others. My lady, please re consider-"
"the contract? I told you already told you. They are already taken."
"at least let me try to convince th-"
I stood up, holding shroud on my hip, holding my wing around him as I snorted at them.
"I will not be re considering my marriage."
Prince up his own waddled over and took my hand, trying to kiss it.
"come on, I'm sure I could make you forget your... Strange fiancees."
I snatched my hand back flaring my wings.
"those are my husbands! How dare. You try and insult the future Kings of the nether over something so insolent!"
I hissed, shroud curled into my side as Micheal sat in ranboos arms.
"well? They won't be Kings, you'll leave them for me! Now!"
I looked at him as I was about to start again I felt my son tugging my shirt and looked at him.
"whats wrong buba?"
"why is the pepper trying to take you mama?"
I glared at him as he stood back up.
"how dare you have a child before our marriage! That is a-"
"OUR marriage is a fantasy your father has inspired into your skull! I am married to MY perfect husbands whom I ADORE THANK YOU VERY MUCH!"
I squawk, smoke left my nostrils as I growled out the words. I felt a hand on my wing and flinched turning to them only to see tubbo there. I relaxed as he walked in front of me, his axe in his hand.
"you will never come near me. My husbands. Or my kids ever again. Do. I. Make. Myself. Clear?"
He hissed, poking him with the blade, ranboo sheilded Michaels eyes as I did with shrouds.
The Prince replied, turning and leaving with his father.
After a few minutes of silence, the door opened with the artist from earlier, they handed me a rolled up piece of paper.
"thank you, dude."
They nodded and left again.
"it's been great seeing you ma."
She nodded, smiling.
"oh, before you leave, I heard news techno is imprisoned? Is it true?"
I shrugged.
"I haven't really talked to them since the wedding, Mumza."
She nodded but smile, kissing my head.
"bye sunshine."
"bye muma."
As we left we where greeted by a carriage, hooked to hoglins.
"hop in princely!"
I nodded and climbed in with my family as the driver rode we talked over the interactions and day till we got back.
"thank you!"
I said. Throwing my clock over my shoulders as purpled held the painting, the driver waves driving off.
"happy travels!"
As we exited the portal we continued to talk, laughing at certain times as Micheal and shroud play fight.
"oh! What did I do to deserve this!"
"I poked you!"
"oh! Mother! Mother I may die!"
"no! I have faith in prime you wont-"
"brother, my end is caused by your hand, woe is me!"
Suddenly the speakers near us rumbled to life, a loud whuring noise rang out.
"is that..."
"the sirens..."
"someone... Someone escaped the prison-"
I stood there for a solid second before I felt back, fainting on the spot.

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