Mack P.O.V.
my mom is a beast t I mean she whopped Sam's mom ass I love every second of it I think I get my fury from her . and dad I mean they both have skills.
"Mary did you have to beat her like that .?" my dad asked
"yes sir I have her family right here" we both looked at Sam dad he handed the phone to dad
"she lucky I didn't snap her neck, "My mom said looking down.
"dang mom you rocked her " I said she smiled at me
"you are not pressing chargers on my daughter little boy we heard from the corner it was SamMom and Sam and Tom in the Corner .
"he is pressing charges "Richard said to his wife
"Ricrad you want our baby to go to prison " Sam mom said grabbing Richard srm
"she has to learn her lesson she purposely pushed the girl to kill her child you heard her say it " Richard said pushing his wife off of him . i saw Sam face she approves of her dad pulling her off
"fine if you want that then i want a divorce! " she yelled stmp8ing her foot . Richard didn't even look bothered . he accepted it .
"fine i'll take Sam "Richard said and Sam moved behind him un phased by it
"fine she a traitor anyway "her mom said then i thought of something this isn't want Liz want her best friend
"hey Liz wouldn't want to break your family Sam " i said she smiled
"it was bound to happen mom and pearl are from hell "she laughed and so did Richard Isabel looked mad and then walked up to Richard and smacked him he kept laughing though like it didn't hurt him that his wife is leaving him
"and i helped you when you saw your dead daughter Isabel said to my mom who jumped at her and she flinched dad laughed . i couldn't help it i laughed too. then tom laughed then we al laughedwhile she got her keys and purse
"i will send you your things "Richard said though chuckles . she ran of with us all laughing at her we laughed her out . "thanks Liz we needed this i whispered to the sky .
if you are reading this I made it to the other side of life
Mystery / Thriller" TODAY we are here for the tragic death of Elizabeth perry " who left letter to each of her family members and friends" the news anchor said on the news . about Liz i can't believe she did it . she said she was depressed but I never though she w...