Ch. 7 "Not Good"

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                                                    Hayden POV 

My heavy eyelids shot open, sweat falling from my forehead, Just being in Eric's presents for as long as I was, 

It brought back the memories, 

The memories of pain, 

The memories of abuse, 

The horrible memories, 

Just my chest rising and falling was a challenge for me, the pain, just sitting up hurt, 

"Whoa easy there princess," I hear Merle's voice, 

I look in the direction to see him walking in, with a plate of I don't even know what, and water, 

"Here let me help," He said helping me sit up at a better angle, 

"Where's Daryl?" I said with a raspy voice, 

"Out on a run with some other for food, need to keep yer strength up," He said 

I chuckled which caused me to choke, 

"Easy," He said 

"Here eat," He said 

He sat the plate in my lap, 

"No thank you," I said 

"Look I know it looks gross, but you need to keep your strength up, get back to full strength," He said 

I looked down at my food in a daze,

When I finally spoke, 

"Why did you do it?" I asked quietly 

"Huh?" He said 

I looked up at him, 

"Why did you help me, you could have left me there," I said looking down, 

I gripped the blanket with my fists, 

"Why help me at all?" I asked 

"Now come on princess, I may not be the most rational man, or mild mannered, but I wouldn't leave you with that bastard," He said 

I finished eating, and drank my water, 

We sat there and talked for a good few minutes, 

That was until the pain started, 

I started feeling so sick, 

"Princess?" Merkel said 

"G-Get me something I'm gonna be sick," I said 

Merel rushed to get a can, 

I ended up tossing everything that I just ate, 

but there was a problem, there was blood in it, I was hunched over, the bed groaning in pain, 

"Hey, Hey talking to me, 

"Merle  it hurts," I said holding my stomach, 

"It hurts so bad!" I yelled, 

Merle shot out of the room, 

"Hershel get yer ass in here!" Merle yelled

Next thing I know I hear rushing footsteps seeing Hershel and Maggie rush in, 

"What is it?" Hershel said walking towards me 

"It hurts," I said clutching my stomach in pain I was almost in tears, 

"Okay everyone out," Hershel said 

He lifted my shirt after everyone left, 

seeing massive bruising around my stomach, 

He started feeling my stomach, 

I was hissing in pain as he touched my stomach, 

"What?" I asked, 

"I'll be right back," He said 

                           Daryl POV 

I just got back from a run we got a pretty much food, I rushed to Hayden but I see Hershel, Merle and Maggie standing outside of where she's laying whispering, 

"What's going on?" I said 

"It looks like Hayden's injuries are worse than I thought," Hershel said 

"What do you mean?" I said 

"It look like she's has some internal bleeding," Hershel said sympathetically, 

"What?" I said in shock

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