Chapter 1

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Alex's POV

The plane touched down in gloomy Gotham and I was ecstatic to see my brother again. I grabbed my luggage and waited for him to turn up. after 5 minutes of waiting I heard my name being called, with my luggage in hand I ran to the car "hello sister" he said cheerfully "hello Jonathan" I smirked. My brother Dr Jonathan Crane who works at Arkham Asylum is my brother. he is two years older than me and inherits our mothers looks whereas I inherit our fathers. I have big browny green eyes and wavy brown hair, not that I'm complaining "so what's been happening with you?" I asked Jonathan "well not a lot I'm now warden at the asylum and I need a new intern for the crazies and I was kinda hoping you'd say yes which you would so you start tomorrow. oh and by the way you're staying with me tonight until you find a house or flat understood?" I nodded "wait. You got me a job at the asylum!? I love you Jonathan!!"

We got to the house he owned and u smiled "its cozy" I commented "it's better than nothing. Oh just stay out of the basement and we will be fine" I nodded again unable to form words. we stepped inside "your bedroom is first door on the right goodnight" he walked upstairs and to his room "okay" I dragged my suitcase up the stairs to my room. After unpacking I glanced at the time 10:30pm, I found my shorts and top and snuggled into my new bed sighing with relief that I can finally move on.

----next day----

Alex's POV

I heard my alarm blaring and I hit snooze. Grabbing my towel I headed to the ensuite and took a shower. After the shower I got dressed into a black mid knee length dress with black heels, I walked downstairs to see Jonathan ready "lets go" I followed him out of the door "can we stop at IHOP to get some breakfast I'm so hungry" I asked "maybe or you can just wait to lunch" he sarcastically replied "just because you got up earlier than me" I snapped "well I like to be on time unlike some" he shot back "Love you Johnny" I said teasingly "Love us too Alexandra" I groaned "not the full name!" I scolded "that's the name on your ID badge. Deal with it Ms Alexandra Crane" I mumbled "fucker" we arrived at IHOP and ordered out. We arrived at the asylum and walked through security "for an asylum for crazies I thought security would be more. I mean more of them" I spoke to myself "here is your office sis!" Jonathan spoke loudly "shut your mouth Jonathan" I grabbed the handle and opened the door just to slam it in his face "your forgetting something" his voice fumbled on the other side, I reopened the door and grabbed my schedule "thanks bro"

I sat there and glanced at the time 9:45am I've got to go talk to Bane in 5 minutes. My brother thought I could do well talking to all the higher insane people which I'm shitting myself for. I walked out of the office and to the room ready for our appointment. I nodded at the guard who let me in "why what a beauty you are. Never seen you here before. You're new" I nodded "yes I am and my name is Alexandra Crane but please call me Alex none of that Dr Alex or Dr Crane shit. I want to talk like normal human beings" he looked dumbfounded "of course Alex. Every physiatrist I have seen is uptight. You want to relax with patients. Oh the Joker and Riddler are going to love you" I gulped "well Bane. Let's talk like normal people. Do you have any family?" And for an hour I'm happy to say he didn't try to attack me once. I walked back to my office, the door was ajar that I'm pretty sure I shut. I opened the door to find my brother sat in the chair "how did Bane go. You got any bruises or cuts" I smirked "no actually Jonathan we had a wonderful conversation and now I'm going to be late to my next meeting with Joker" I smiled and felt his hand enclose my wrist "just be careful with Joker he manipulated Harley. I don't want it to happen to you" I nodded "I will. I promise" I walked to the next room "why hello beautiful" I shuddered on the inside "hello Joker. Now I'll tell you what I told Bane don't call me Dr Crane or Alexandra just Alex okay" he looked at me and licked his lips "okayy doll but I give the rules here" with that he jumped up and grabbed my neck "put me down" I begged "its your first day I see doll" he teased "p-please" I felt the life leaving me. My vision blurred and I passed out "ALEX!"

Bruce Wayne's POV
I travelled through the hospital looking for Alfred. He took a fall and has injured himself, I was walking through the corridor not watching where I was going I was too busy looking through windows. I bumped into someone sending them to the floor "oh sorry I really need to watch where I'm going" a soft voice came from below me. I glanced down to see a young girl in her twenties with brown hair and browny green eyes staring up at me "oh shit sorry Mr Wayne" she apologised "no no it's not your fault I'm looking for a friend. He was admitted earlier" I spoke and held my hand for her to take she grasped it and I pulled her up a bit too quick as she hit my chest "oh damn nice abs" she flustered and went red but looked down. I laughed "do you know Alfred Pennyworth?" I asked "wait a bit old always wears a suit or jumper!?" She asked quickly "a tiny bit British?" I smiled "bingo" she grabbed my hand and pulled me to her room "woah hold on I'm not going in your room" I spoke alarmed "no he's next door silly. I don't invite hot guys into my room just meeting them" I smirked "that's good to know" she giggled "bye Mr Wayne" she smiled and walked away "bye-" the door shut and it only hit me that I never got her name" I sighed and walked into Alfred's room "Alfred what have I told you about keeping an eye out and watching where you're going" he smiled amused "Master Wayne you shouldn't be here look" he pointed at the TV and turned it up.

"Hi I'm Gabby Smith and tonight on Gotham News. The Joker has escaped and has given footage of himself. Warning the next few scenes are rather violent."

"Hello Gotham! Now I met a really nice psychiatrist yesterday who got on my nerves and I really want to find her. Her name is Ms Alexandra Crane such a beauty brown shoulder length hair with big browny green eyes. Now I want her back and I will kill a hostage every hour unless I get her. You have 24 hours. Good Luck Gotham"

I glanced at Alfred but heard a shout from her room next door. "I NEED TO LEAVE! PEOPLES LIVES ARE IN DANGER BECAUSE OF ME! LET ME GO" she demanded. I had finally found out her name Alexandra Crane. Such a beauty "pardon me Alfred" he nodded.

I ran to her room "Alex hey calm down you're not going to him. I won't let you" I spoke and randomly hugged her "why are you h-hugging me?" She cried "because everyone that's alone needs a friend. I have a friend who can help you see The Joker but not let him take you" I spoke softly. "Okay who!?" She snapped.


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