Chapter 25

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Third Person POV

Bruce,Alfred and Jonathan sat in the waiting room patiently awaiting the news of a sister and wife. After what felt like hours Harley had arrived and brought Thomas and Hazel, Bruce picked up Hazel and held her in one arm and held Thomas in the other and began sobbing at the thought of losing his wife and the mother of his children.

The Head Doctor came out and saw the family "who is her spouse (partner) or are you all family?" Bruce nodded and put Hazel in her car seat and gave Thomas to Harley "take them to the cafe please" she nodded and walked off whilst they awaited the news.

"Mr Wayne, I'm afraid you're wife has passed away. She suffered a bleed from the brain and her stab wound didn't help. She was a fighter in the operating room, but lost. You can see her if your want to say goodbye and we'll release the body as soon as for the funeral" Bruce sat there frozen to the bone his Alex has died. Thomas and Hazel don't have a mother, it's just him and them now. Harley had returned with coffee for all of them and looked at Bruces face and shook her head "no she didn't make it did she?" Sadness laced her voice and Thomas looked at his dad and held his arms up, Bruce stood up and crouched down to sit with his son "hey buddy wanna go say bye bye to mommy?" Bruce's voice cracked and scooped his son up and then grabbed his daughters car seat and made his way to his wife's room.

Upon arrival. Bruce took a deep breath and pushed the door open and noticed his wife's body on the bed Thomas noticed and held his hands out for his mother but realised she wasn't responding and put his arms back down.

Bruce walked over and placed Thomas on the bed along with Hazel "Alex why did you leave me and your children. How am I- we supposed to survive without you here everyday. It was supposed to be you and me against the world I wish I had stopped being a coward and just took the mask off this would have all been avoided-" his voice had cracked "I'm a coward of a hero and even more of a husband. I wish you were here" he then kissed her cold lips grabbed the children and left the room without a glance back.

Now time to prepare the funeral.

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