Chapter 4

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Alex's POV

I walked to my office and saw a note on my desk.

Dear Ms Crane,

I have heard what has happened and I deeply apologise for the mishap between the Joker and you. I assure you that he won't be your patient ever.

Yours sincerely,
Mr Jeremiah Arkham

I smiled at the note and saw my patient list underneath. I sighed and read through the list.

9:50- Harley Quinn
10:40- Edward Nigma aka The Riddler
11:30- Break
12:15- Pamela Isley aka Poison Ivy
1:00- Selina Kyle aka Catwoman
1:55- Lunch
2:30- Patient Free Time observe the canteen
4:00- Finish

I smiled and glanced at the time. It was 9:45 I sighed and made my way to Harley's cell.

(H- Harley, A- Alex)

A- Hello Ms Quinn, I have only one thing to say. Please don't call me Dr Crane or Ms Crane just call me Alex. I don't want you to see me as a Doctor I would like you to see me as a friend who you can talk too. Okay?
H- Hi Alex, I'm Harleen Quinzel but Mistah J calls me Harley Quinn like the clown. I miss him Alex. I miss my Puddin'
A- well Harley. I must say you have an infatuation with the Joker. But may I ask why?
H- Mistah J has made me see the brighter and funnier side of life. He cares about me more than my family did, but Alex you can't tell anyone he's planning to come break me out. I get to see Mistah J again
A- Harley, if he did care about you then how did you end up in here. I've know you what 10 minutes and I care about you Harley, ditch the criminal life and come back to being a doctor you worked so hard to become one than Joker comes and messed with your head and all that hard work went down the drain. Harls you're a smart woman make the right choice. Our time is up in afraid until next time goodbye Harley

I got up and left the room hearing her mumble goodbye Alex. I sighed and walked to Edwards Cell. I nodded to the guard who let me in.

(E- Edward, A- Alex)

A- hello Edward. I'm Alex just call me Alex and not Ms Crane or Doctor Crane is that okay?
E- hello Alex. Riddle me this
Q: What is the longest word in the dictionary?
A- Smiles, because there is a mile between each 's'
E- I like you. Okay what do you want to know
A- Why choose a criminal life?
E- my dear Alex I chose this life because it's fun to mess with people's brains especially with riddles. Now my dear come closer and I will tell you something very good

I didn't believe him. I didn't feel well. I felt ill. Edward jumped forward and grabbed my wrists "GUARDS" they came running in and grabbed Edward using a sedative he fell limp in their arms. I grabbed my book and ran from the room to my office, grabbing my phone I called Bruce.

(B- Bruce, A- Alex)
B- Alex!? What's wrong!?
A- B-Bruce. Come pick me up p-please
B- Don't move I'm coming

He hung up and I sat there breathing deeply. My door opened and the security guard called Jason Smith entered "are you alright Ms Crane?" I nodded and looked up "please leave I would like to be alone" he nodded and the door shut. I waited ten minutes and Bruce burst through the door and picked me up examining my wrists which had turned purple and blue "he's gonna pay" I looked up sharply "no. Don't break your rule" I kissed his lips "I'm not making out with you on this desk. Let's go home and get ready for lunch"

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