Chapter 17

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4 months later....
Thomas is 6 months old

Alex's POV

I was nervous at the least. My wedding day had arrived. I was stood in my bedroom with Harley who was out of Arkham and was straightening up her life. Quitting her criminal job she now is engaged to Jason Smith and is expecting a child. I flattened my dress out and stepped out of the room, Harley gasped and had formed tears, "you look gorgeous" she commented. I blushed and took my hair out letting the loose curls fall into place before placing my veil over my face.

I heard a knock at the door and opened it to see Jonathan in a black suit, he gasped and smiled "you look stunning" he spoke and I done a twirl "lets go" I wrapped my arm through his and made my way through the manor to the double doors that led to the garden.

The music started and I looked at Jonathan "I'm ready to do this goodbye Crane and hello Wayne" he smiled and we started walking towards Bruce who looked at me and his jaw dropped. We reached the end of the aisle and Jonathan handed me over to Bruce "take care of her" he spoke lowly with tears "I will take care of her as best as I can"

The vicar started but I tuned out. I focused on Bruce and took in all of his features "now Ms Alexandra Crane. Your vows" I took a deep breath.

"Bruce when I bumped into you at the hospital. I didn't think anymore of it but I'm glad I bumped into you otherwise I wouldn't have the family I do now, Thomas wouldn't be here and I would be a stranger to you. You helped me when I was on my own and I am so grateful, Bruce you have brightened up my life and I love it. I love you and I just want to grow old with you" I had tears forming in my eyes "I want to end this with one more thing. Bruce you're an amazing man and an excellent father to Thomas, I ask for one more thing and that is can you be a father to my other child that is forming now?" I looked at his expression which had changed from live to pure happiness at the thought that I was pregnant again.

"Mr Bruce Wayne your vows please"

Bruce's POV

"Mr Bruce Wayne your vows please"

"Alex, I was so weirded out when I met you but I don't regret not chasing to your room after the whole Joker incident. You helped me become a better person and you've given me everything I wished for, when my parents died I thought nothing good could come out of this but one quote stuck in my head. Good things come to those who wait. I did I waited years for that good thing and she bumped into me at a hospital, when I found out you were pregnant with Thomas I was scared incase I wasn't a good father. When you mentioned you were going to name our child after my father I knew you were the one and it took me a long time to realize that and I cannot wait to grow old with you and have many more children like your bump and I would be delighted to have this child Thomas has a baby brother or sister. Trouble come here boy." My trusty dog came bounding the up with a cushion in his mouth "good boy" I took the cushion and put the ring in my hand.

"Repeat after me please Mr Wayne.
I Bruce Wayne take thee Alexandra Crane to be my lawfully wedded wife. To have and to hold til death do us part, through sickness and health"

I repeated it and Alex done the same.
"It comes with great pleasure to announce Mr and Mrs Wayne. You may now kiss the bride" I grabbed Alex's waist and pulled her close to me and captured her lips with mine.

This was the best day of my life by far.

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